Tuesday, December 18, 2007

EBook Reader and so Much More

So after looking at the Amazon.com Kindle, I started wondering what I would want from a device like this and I reckon I would like a mixture of services from a lot of other handheld devices. I think the Kindle does most of these.

What my ideal reader should be able to do:
  • Open eBooks in many different formats including, pdf, jpeg, microsoft eBook, text, doc, and any other text reading format I can't think of.
  • Place music from a a variety of formats including mp3 and wma withou needing conversion.
  • I don't really need wifi, but it would be cool to have wifi and a small browser
  • small keyboard for typing
  • microphone
  • be able to write notes on the screen that it can traslate into computer text
  • at least 10 GB memory with expansion possible
  • reasonably fast processor
  • able to be read in most any light
  • usb connection for connecting a keyboard to type on it.
  • some form of a word processing program on it for writing
  • various organizational software: calendar, grocery list, exercise entry and food entry for dietary purposes.
  • look cool, maybe shiny and black with parts that can be colored so it can look more personal. (The Kindle just doesn't look like something you want to show off to anyone, you know?)
  • Video playback would also be cool.

Okay, so that's what I would want it to be. Sort of a mix between an mp3 player, tablet pc, ebook reader, and pda. Oh, and I would want it to cost less than $200 so I could afford it and justify buying it when . Yeah, so that's my druthers in relation to the issues. My laptop does all these things and it's portable, it would just be cool to have something more that could do these things and have it be affordable. I'll just have to wait and see then.

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