Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another Update

Wow twice in 2 days, what's wrong with me. I posted the new wrap shirt I created over at Sew Retro, so I suppose I'll post it here too.

My 2 dogs :) despite the evil eyes, are awesome.
My evil ankle:

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Update

I keep meaning to update this blog, but you know how it is when you get busy. So I've moved down to Pasadena into my own place (YAY). My neighbors smoke like chimneys (AW) but the only place I really smell it is in the kitchen. Oh well. I think I may end up staying here only until my lease expires in June.

I've gotten a second dog. You all know how I can't resist a sweet face. This sweet face is costing me an arm and a leg. No, he's not a puppy and actually has gray hair, but is a chewer and so far he chewed through 1 lease, a collar, and 2 halters. The dog is a mennace who started chewing on my external hard drive and has already demolished one DVD I didn't care about (Doctor Who Christmas Invasion). I've taken to hiding the stuff I care about. I would crate, him, but he's a whiner and I hate to annoy my neighbors since he does a lot of this while I'm asleep. He is cute though. He's a flat haired

retriever and like Luna is a bit mini. In fact, he's the exact same size as Luna. just with more hair. He weighs less right now because he has a tape worm. Also Luna has been getting on my nerves during walks. 2 times this weekend, she managed to see a cat while crossing a road with a car coming so I was hurrying, so Luna was able to take off. Did I forget to mention my ankle gave out twice last week. It was very painful and it's still sore so when I try to balance and put a lot of pressure downward, it doesn't always work.

On the bright side Luna and Jasper are quickly becoming friends. I don't think Luna knew quite what to make of Jasper at first, but over the past week she started spending more time trying to play with him and now she is the one I have to make leave him alone as opposed to the other way around. btw: he IS named for Jasper from Twilight just like Luna is named for the Harry Potter character.

I've also been sewing and will post a couple of my new creations tomorrow.