Monday, August 27, 2007

Pondering Good Time Management

So who has good time management skills? Not I, said the blogger. That’s right, I never work on what I need to do before I need it. I’m a time crunch person and this is not necessarily a good thing. I mean, I get everything done, but it’s so much more stressful to work on things on the wire versus slowly and steadily. And I use projects to procrastinate on other projects. Yes I often get a lot of housework done during finals and have been known to sew up a storm when I should be focusing on other matters. I’ve heard that the problem with procrastinators is that they underestimate the amount of time it will take to perform a task and this is true. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said it will take an hour to do something, and then it takes 2 hours.

Well, I can’t say ‘no more’ yet. Lol. I need to take control, the semester started today and I need to finish all projects this semester with at least a weekend to spare. I’m going to hereby make Friday’s my wire days and just try to get everything done before I fall asleep Friday night. Now this may seem odd to those of you who don’t know me, but guess what, I have no life. I go to work, come home, do homework, sleep, read, and sew, and that’s the large portion of my week.

So what do I want to accomplish this semester.

1. I want to run a 5k, and worry about the time, not just that I finish.
2. I want to segregate Sundays for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment and stop using it as just another weekend day.
3. Hopefully that will mean I’ll be practicing twice a week on the piano.
4. I will limit my sewing to 2 outfits a week and 1 sewing shopping trip in 2 weeks, this will include Walmart.
5. I will bring my lunch in everyday, even if I must stop by at Walmart to pick it up.
6. I will eat at least 1 major portion of veggies with every meal, and they must look and taste reasonably like what they are.
7. I will sell on eBay to support my eBay habit, no more buying without selling balancing the buying out.
8. I will attempt to keep my sewing area organized and sewing patterns un-mixed up.
9. I will water my plants every Monday.
10. I will take Luna to the dog park every Friday morning.
11. I will take a second job during the Christmas holidays.
12. I will go up to Denton once a month.
13. I will go down to Houston once a month.

And I think I’ll stop at lucky 13. How feasible is this? Well, I’m not expecting to change myself overnight.

Here’s some things I CAN do to expedite these changes.

1. Go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
2. Practice piano Sundays and Wednesdays.
3. Dog Park Friday morning
4. Studying Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
5. First Saturday of the month down to Houston.
6. Third Saturday of the month up to Denton
7. Run/walk with Luna every morning before 10 until it gets colder.
8. Cook lunches for the week on Sunday evening.
9. Every other Friday do manicure and pedicure for self and maybe a bubble bath too.
10. Water plants every Monday.

I think this is enough to keep me going with and I hope to keep with blog updated with pictures that WILL show me losing weight, right?

I'm at 168 right now. (Yeah, the scale is not pointing to my weight or any wieght I'd like, I'm thing 135 would be comfortable)

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