Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Feeling Bored and Antsy...

I'm so anticipating my move to Korea, that everything else just seems less important now. It's ood, but I know what I need to do to get organized enough to make the transition as painless as possible, but all I want to do is look at blogs about Korea, read message boards about Korea, and email people in Korea. I have such an obsessive personality and this is my current obsession. Bother.

This said, I was talking to one of my bosses today about getting rid of so much of my stuff and she mentioned the liberating aspects of leading a stuff-less life. I agree that having less stuff can be very liberating. It does feel freeing to get rid of stuff you don't need. Unfortunately I am still a pack rat and have trouble evaluating the necessity of specific items.

Oh, and my hair is looking very orange and brassy in photos. It's weird because I seriously doubt it looks nearly so brassy in real life. Here's me rocking(lol) my newest thrift store find. Yes, I'm getting rid of stuff, but still needed some sunglasses because they have a tendancy to walk away or be sat on and destroyed. Bummer.


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