Friday, December 5, 2008
My Thoughts on the Twilight Saga
I've come to the conclusion that I really like them. I liked the first well enough, mehed through the emo Bella in the second. Yelled at Bella repeatedly in the third with many admonishments for her to just shut up. I think the last one will be my fav. It's definitely the one I've hated most have to take off the earphones for. The honeymoon is sweet and Bella's calling the baby her 'little nudger' made me want to cry with happiness as just about the first truly simpathetic moment for Bella. Most of the time she's just to overly emotionally teen and annoying, but she won me over with her love of her unborn child. I heard complaints later about Renesme being so Mary Sue and I get teh complaints. Everyone loves her, even Jacob who goes from killing the monster to being willing to die for her in the space of a breath. I did appreciate her most whenever she wasn't acting like an adult.
Team Jacob: I was kinda leaning toward Team Jacob even though I obviously knew before reading the books that she'd end up with Edward. This book definitely took a lot of the joy of Jacob away. I loved the part in the middle from his perspective and despite clothes shopping and dinner on Wednesday, I continued to listen to it. Leah is awesome and Jake as a pack leader was a welcome addition to the story. I wish we could find out more about the origins of the shapechangers and if the wolf form is simply because that's what they think they should change into. Also, I want Leah to have a happy ending. :(
Also, Bella and Edward's relationship seemed to be A LOT more healthy in this book. N one of the stalker controlling behavior, they seemed like equals, albeit with him still being protective. I also missed seeing Alice. One thing I appreciated about the second one was the stories about the other characters. I loved finding out where Jasper came from the the purported origins of the 'werewolves'.
On the slightly negative side, Bella didn't have nearly enough problems with being a vampire. After all that waiting and hemming and hawing by Edward and she takes to it like a duck to water. She even gets to maintain a relationship with her Dad. I did love Bella's stronger shield power, very in keeping with what had gone before and a great way for her to show her strength to everyone.
Big Negative I hated the final battle scene. All that build up and planning and nothing really happens. There's one death. I guess SM was probably trying to avoid too many comparisons to HP since its like the antithesis of the final battle in that series, but than that battle was inevitable and if it hadn't happened, the books would be ruined. The Twilight series is all about relationships, battles, but it would have been much more emotionally satisfying for the battle to have ocurred. :( I can see what SM was thinking. I mean, the Volturi are essential to keeping the vampires in check, but I really wanted a battle and some death and carnage.
So the whole living here in Dallas means that I may be going to Twicon. What is Twicon? It's a convention for Twilighters in Dallas and costs $255. They already have healiners from the movie who will be there. None of the top 3, but there's still alomost 8 months and many more people to announce in the meantime. I know that SM won't be there since she wants to spend some time with her family (what a crazy thought). Kat seriously wants to go, the only problem in the time of year. I'm already needing to ask off for the first week in July, can I ask for a couple of days at the end as well. And what about the $255 ticket price. We'll see how my job goes. I reckon I'll look into buying a ticket in March or something. After I've done the whole moving into the apartment thing. I wonder if any other Twilighters I know are going to want to go and able to pay the $255 for tickets. Ugh, so much.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Job Update and Twilight
So the only problem with listening to Twilight is that anytime they say the word Alice out loud, I want to break into the "Alice Blue Bonnet" song. Its a song about a hat and bonnet that fall in love and are separated at the store, but then reunited in a park. lol. Its cute and the tune keeps going though my head. lol. I'm actually listening to the book as I write this. I'm at the hospital scene.
I've made a list of purchases and budgets for the purchases based on prices on Craigslist, at WalMart, and at the Dollar General. I've created a excel spreadsheet separating and listing the needed supplies and projected cost and divided by need. I think I have 6 sections and so it will take at least 3 months to get my apartment perfected and decorated and supplied and I will be spending $2000 on decorations, furnishings, appliances, kitchen stuff, and everything else. I forgot to add the roomba to it. I'm so buying a roomba. I found one for $85 shipped last night, so I should get it before I move in. This is great for lazy people like me who hate to clean. Hopefully it will help me control Luna's hair. Thankfully Luna is a short hair since long hair gets caught on the rollers.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
New Job and Apartment
On the Pros side for the apartment:
- Not part of some big complex,
- location,
- pleasant neighbors,
- within my price range,
- $100 off first month,
- only $300 deposit for me and Luna and all is refundadable,
- great floor plan,
- beautiful bay window,
- ability to paint walls as I want,
- lots of trees to shade the apt
Cons of the apt
- Too close to shopping,
- not much storage,
- second floor so moving stuff in will be harder,
- wood paneling,
- and last but certainly not least, it does have a bug problem.
So about that last con, yes I did go for the apt despite the bug thing because I simply accept that any multi-family unit in the hot and humid areas of Texas are going to have bug problems. I've never been to one or lived in one that didn't. At least I've lived with it before and know how to deal with it. This includes daily cleaning, no leaving food out, using trash cans with tight lids, cleaning thoroughly, and remaining vigilant. I was after all, once a hotel housekeeper, so dealing with gross stuff is something I just suck it up and deal with. Also, I will be living on my own so just have myself to pick up after. I think Luna will have to get used to eating at set times though since I have the idea of leaving food out for her.
So what work will I do before moving in:
- caulking all holes and cracks to further mitigate the bug situation,
- put out boric acid and traps as well,
- painting the paneling and walls
- scrub everything down, especially the oven and fridge
What do I need to do to the kitchen:
- Caulk and fill in all holes
- Scrub every surface
- Paint fridge and oven
- Paint walls lemin chiffon or lemon grass
- create floral stencil on wooden water heater cover out of contact paper and spray paint open areas dark blue.
- Hang roman shade
- Hang white sheer curtains with something dark blue as a cornice or something
- replace cabinet hardware with black iron or stainless steel
- hang family pictures in the kitchen
- contact paper in the cabinets
- bug stuff taken care of
- Buy:
- -Cutlery
- -boring is probably best
- -stand mixer
- -knife set
- -cutting boards
- -mixing bowls
- -dishes drying basket
- -dish towels
- -herb seeds and supplies
- -dried herb rack
- -cabinet organizers
- -steel microwave
- -medium lidded trash can
- -Square dining sets
- -
What do I need to do to the bathroom:
- paint walls pale blue, like faraway blue and paint cabinet doors and area by shower dark blue
- Buy:
- -metal rolling cart
- -small lidded steel or black trash can
- -beigy medium brown shower curtain, bath mat, and toilet mat
- -steel accessories as necessary
- -one bright floral pic like
- -
What do I need to do to the bedroom:
- Paint top of the walls a light green and bottom a dark green with the railing in the middle painted white
- dark brown furniture
- white billowy curtains and a roman shade
- bed linens should be golden or dark green and some other color from an opulent fabric
- pre-rafaelite pics
- Buy:
- -large dresser
- -large book shelf
- -side table
- -vanity
- other storage opportunities
What do I need to do to the living room
- Inspiration pic
- I want to paint all the walls that dark teal sort of color and have beige or light brown furniture
- white filmy curtains and a roman shade
- screens on the windows
- small prints like the ones in the pic.
- Buy:
- -couch
- -easy chair
- -coffee table
- -end table
- -2 book shelves
- -other storagey furniture solutions
What do I need to do to the dining area:
- Maintain front room scheme, but with the dark blue green only on the bottom on the room and paint top portion to match the yellow of the kitchen and the middle rail will be white
- dark brown furniture
modern art like,
Okay, so what can I do now?
- finalize paint choices
- plan for after Thanksgiving sales like paint, a flat panel, and plates, cutlery and appliances
- plan utility companies and save deposit
- complete change of address
Friday, November 21, 2008
All the bit characters were interesting. The story revolves around Bella and Edward, but the vampire characters and the classmates are flesh and blood. There were a few akward moments with the dialogue, but I think they were on purpose and they were nearly as bad as any of the Star Wars movies which I hold up as monuments to bad dialogue. All in all, I think this has been my favorite midnight showing since the second Lord of the Ring. The audience was interested, good seats, and the movie was enthralling. Let's see if the midnight showing for Star Trek will compare.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Little Red Riding Hood and the Oil Change
I got an oil change yesterday and as I left the oil change place, my car started acting up. The engine would seem like it wasn't getting gas. I have a 1988 BMW 325i, an awesome car, and its never done this. I couldn't think what was up, and having a suspicious mind, I thought the oil change place might have broken something on my car just to get money for fixing it, so I didn't immediately return. I went to the nearby library to do some research. I then looked under the hood and realized the reason the engine was running unevenly was because the people at the oil cahnge place forgot to put the oil cap back on. I guess other cars can handle it better since I went to a nearby O'Reilly's to get a cap and they so did not have one and the guy behind the counter said that usually the only thing that would happen is that oil would spurt out over the engine and you'd get some fumes. He'd never heard that lacking an oil cap would result in uneven engine running. So fyi, if you have a 88 bmw 325i, the oil acp is necessary. It was actually dark outside, so I didn't see that the cap was sitting near the engine, but the oreillys guy that came out to take a look at it put him hand on it and found it. I put the cap back on and it ran swimmingly once more.
Today I'm picking up a muffler from a junkyard since being muffler-less is a bad idea. I'm going to call Automotive Plus to find out if a used muffler is a good idea and what to look at on the muffler and whether a new one is the best way to go. I suppose I just need something on there right now.
Also, I got a huge rip in my back window yesterday. :darn it: I'm probably going to replace the canvas and window. You can buy one on Ebay for $220 with shipping and it doesn't seem to difficult to install. Time consuming, but not difficult. And If I completely ruin it, I still have the hard top until I have the money for a professional job.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Goodness, its been a month
Here I am wearing pretty much only the concealer, so you can see it is a good match and makes my circles less noticable. And this was during my horrible Virginia trip. Rained the whole time and was for nothing because I don't think I got the job.
:( I went to the San Marcos Cosmetics Company outlet and picked up some Estee Lauder Individualist foundation with a good color match and some MAC mattene lipcolor is 40s pink. It's a good, almost ylbb color on me. The Individualist foundation I'm a little uncertain about since the color is good, but I think it may be making my pores look bigger. I mixed it with a little Maybelline Age Rewind Cream Foundation this morning and I'm hoping this helps it last longer, it doesn't highlight my pores today either, but that could be because I started using retin a again this weekend and my pores look smaller anyway. I'm so happy I decided to order it from All Day Chemists in India. It arrived in a week and three tubes cost $30 with shipping and they work just as well as the retin a I was buying here.
Okay, so on the job front. I had 2 interviews last week and I should hear about them this week. wish me luck. I'm working for the forseeable future at a temp job in Irving doing mostly filing.
I was feeling horrible yesterday. I decided to start a project and go through my entire clothes collection (I have quite a bit) and since my family was down in Houston visiting my sister (would have gone, but the car would be cramped and my car was in the shop Saturday) I took over the front room and seperated by clothes that fit and then by clothes I like and now have quite a pile for Goodwill. The family did get home early, so I hadn't finished. I also felt horrible and kept stopping to take a nap. I was just nauseous and headachy. Oh well, I still finished it, even if the clothes for Goodwill are in the front room right now. I didn't have the energy to take them out to the car or into the garage.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Really Easy Prok Chops and a Couple New Items
Really Easy Pork Chops
Pork Chops (as many as you need, I have 8 from a family pack)
garlic powder (to taste, I like more than most people)
salt (also to taste since you may like more, I'm trying to watch my salt intake, so used very little) pepper(also to taste)
fresh rosemary(since we have some in the garden, use dried if that's what you've got and its also to taste)
So rinse off the chops and cover pan with foil for easy clean up and spray foil with butter flavored spray.
Place pork chops with one inch between them and spray tops with butter spray.
sprinkle garlic powder, salt, and pepper on chops
Sprinkle cut fresh rosemary or non-cut, or dry on it.
Place in 415 degree oven for 20 minutes or use a George Foreman to grilled for an even better experience.
These aren't perfect pork chops, but they are tasty and as you can tell, they are also really easy to put together. If you marinaded them overnight, they would be even more flavorful and moist. You could also add some thyme and oregano to the mix for a more complex flavor. I like that these are really healthy(very little oil used in cooking and no heavy sauce) and still have flavor. Now, I like these, but most people I've shared my cooking with (re: family members) think I overseason and like weird flavor combinations and then they object when I don't share something really good with them. :shakes head: Never understand them...
Latest Sewing Projects:
Seventies Simplicity Pattern 9365
I ran out of fabric because there was very little left and I ended up trying the belt out over it and it just didn't look right. I saw this girl wearing a shirt with a v-neck and a bow at the bottom of the v and new then and there that this was the right thing to do with it.
Modern Butterick 5101.
I love this drapy jersey and its color. I actually did the wide leg pants too, but haven't finished adjusting them as they came out too big. I think I'll make this shirt again in a non-stretchy, drapy material.
Vintage Dress Inspired Pattern McCall 5378.
So it was supposed to have buttons up the front. Sue me. I had doing buttonholes and I realized while looking through my stash that I had 4 buttons that matched that would look good with the pattern. I didn't want to take a long trip to WalMart (5 minutes) and it needed, like, 9 buttons. Anyway, I decided to just sew up the front and see what would have. I like it. I get the nice collar and the silouette without spending a lot of time on it.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well, I was going to simply write in Mickey Mouse on the ballot in November because I can barely stand McCain and Obama is crap... but Palin is at least an ackowledgment that social conservatives are important too since McCain, Obama, and whoever Obama is running with is pretty liberal. Hmmm, I suppose McCain is really old and he might die quickly and we can finally have a woman president
Here's a link to the bumper sticker.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Does J K Rowling Kinda Suck?
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Goals for the Week and New Butterick Patterns
- Walk Luna every day and say 5 positive things about self and working out both before and after.
- Drink 60 oz of water every day
- Drink protein before each meal (either mixed only with water or some fruit in a shake and yes it does count toward the liquid requirement)
- Eat a salad with each meal
- Do Yoga/Pilates video every day (eg 20/20 Perfect Pilates, 10 min solutions Pilates, Burn and Firm Yoga, Fat Burning Yoga, Quickfix Pilates)
- Do cardio workout every other day or at least attempt one (Turbo jam, Taebo, Quickfix Kickboxing, Salsa Dancing) and say 5 positive things about self and working out both before and after.
- Clean dishes every other day and sweep the floor and clean off the counters and take out the trash and clean up the front room
- Put bike back together and have ready to ride for next week when I hope to start cycling every morning around town and avoid refilling the gas tank
- Put finishing touches on every piece
Now I'm afraid to say that I'm not particularly impressed with the new Butterick patterns. There's only a couple of the Fall patterns I want. Butterick 5250, a high-waisted pants, and Butterick 5243, a dress pattern with a cinched in waist and frilly sleeves and flowy skirt. The waist on it may be a bit high, but it's worth a shot.

So I've been applying for many librarian positions lately and since I'm at home all day now, I've been sewing a lot. As soon as I do the finishing (hems, buttons, hand-stitching), I'll upload the photos. I sewed 2 jackets, 2 shirts, a pair of pants, and a dress and I still need to do some finishing on several more dresses and cut out another pair of pants and jacket. I've already cut out Vogue 285o and need to sew it. The problem is that its a gauzy fabric that unravels easily and I every review I've read for it uses a serger rather than a sewing machine, so I'm nervous about all those hems. Simplicity 4273 may be one of my favorite wardrobe patterns. I've made the pants a jacket from a black somewhat stretchy wool polyester blend fabric and I love the shape of the jacket and the pants fit perfectly, including the rise and waistband. I think I'll make the pants again out of some jersey because theywould make wonderful workout pants and should come together really quickly. I'm going to make the dress out of this silky Chinese fabric I've had laying around. It will make a lovely nightgown. This last time I tried using the fabric to make one of thosee Project Runway Simplcity patterns, I had to give up because I pressed hte fabric with a too-hot iron and it rather burned the fabric into nothingness.
At Pattern Review, they have a mini-wardrobe contest for August. You need to sew 4 peices in at least 3 fabrics and need to get 4 different combinations from the peices. There's another lined jacket contest I may try for. I think Vogue has some wonderful Claire Shaeffer lined jacket patterns. I bought a couple last month abd have been trying to get the motivation to cut into them. Both a labeled advanced because of the lining and pockets on one of them.
In case ya'll can't tell. I'm trying to focus on using up my stash right now. After I put the finishing touches on all my currently waiting patterns (hopefully by Tuesday), i have more patterns/fabric combos waiting for their shot in the sun, so to speak. I hope to sew a couple of jersey t-shirts(light blue) and a pair of shorts(dk green), a pair of capris(aqua and white) and a couple of workout pants(dk green and pink) and a short sleeved jersey jacket(pink) and a long sleeved jersey jacket(dk green). I also want to sew a denim jacket from Simp 4273 and sew 5 sundresses and one maxi dress from various cottons. I'm also going to make a pair of khaki shorts and wide leg pants. I've also got some green and white checked cotton that would make a nice weskit and skirt combo. I have some beautiful stripped challis that needs a purpose (I just like the fabric so much :blushes:).
Oh, and today, I decided I need to sew fitted a white cotton shirt with :sigh: buttons, so I know I have a few white fabrics ( a challis, cotton, and eyelet), but they are all too drapy, but I've resolved to buy no more fabric until I get a job. Hmmm, re-pupose one of Dad's shirts perhaps? lol. Hmm all this planning, but i still have 3 boxes full of unused fabrics and 2 trash bags full of scraps, some scraps as big as a yard or 2. I do have my work cut out(lol) for me. I didn't really get anything done today, just finished a dress and sat at the sewing machine thinking of sewing and put together the fabric and patterns. Oh well, I am motivated for future sewing and for working out and being healthier next week.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
YouTube has exercise videos and a new haircut

Thursday, July 31, 2008
How to make our own tinted moisturizer
Olay Complete SPF 30 moisturizer
Everyday Minerals Original Glo in Ivory.
Obviously more mmu in relation to lotion will give you a heavier finish. i used 2 squirts of Olay and used 2 shakes of the mmu and mixed it in my hand until blended and smoothed onto my face and am really impressed with the finish and level of coverage. It's my skin, but a little more even. I still need a undereye concealer and a little facial concealer on a couple of areas and its a bit shiny, so I'll cover it with either EDM Silk Dust or EDM Natural Reflection Fair. Yep, I am impressed and I just used makeup I had sitting around. I think mixing it with a moisturizer does give me a better finish than applying it dry since the powder can sometimes highlight my lines and make my pores look more noticable.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Makeup today and the first wearable muslin
So here's the Muslin of Vogue 2354
and here's a closeup...
I don't think I'll do this one for the graduation dress, I like it, but it highlights the hips a bit too much, lol.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Graduation Dress
So graduation is August 8th at 4 pm in Denton and there's a reception afterward. I haven't received my tickets or information yet, but I looked at the site and they say they don't send that sort of stuff out until 3 weeks prior so I shouldn't get it until next week. This gives me plenty of time to diet and sew something. I've narrowed it down to 3 dresses.
Vogue 2354 (a vintage vogue)
An old McCalls pattern like this vintage vogue
and this modern Maggy London Butterick 4657.
So now I'm starting the muslins. I've got 3-4 weeks until the ceremony, so I've got time to make up a wearable muslin and then buy some nice fabric to make the graduation dress in. I've already cut out the 40s style one from an old dark blue sheet and I think I will sew it tonight and see how it comes together. The Mccalls will wait until tomorrow and this weekend, I will do the Butterick. Then I'll decide which one I like best and then buy some properly nice and summery fabric. I'm thinking something pastel, like a lavender or light yellow, or maybe something with a bold print. I think I may even go to Golden D'or to pick it up since they have quite a variety of nice and reasonably priced fabric. I do miss the fabric area in Seoul sometimes, now that was variety, but didn't make up for the less savory aspects of that country for me. sigh.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Sewing and a Job Search
Now about the job search. My problem I think is that I like too many aspects of librarianship. My first love was public libraries, then I worked in an archive and loved that, then worked with a public library as a VISTA and decided I liked that better. Then I worked at Eastfield and decided to go for academic libraries. Sigh. I am sort of too malleable. There are many pros and cons to the various types of traditional librarianship. (Ya'll will notice, I'm totally not looking at Corporate, Law, or Medical librarianship.)
Pro: Lifelong learning environment, 2nd Masters degree encouraged, pays the best on average for starting vs number of positions, lots of vacation, looks good on the resume
Con: heavy competition for positions, hefty interview process, can be a bit boring when helping a class on a project and they all want to look up the same thing, not the most room for advancement, usually one role (IE systems, aquisitions, reference, cataloging), answering to the college
Pro: Lots of positions, room for advancement, can be exciting depending on who oversees you, variety of tasks, variety of places, the public, reader's advisory, working with local organizsations, newsletter, speaking before groups
Con: Low paying, doesn't look as good on the resume, lower paying, lack of excitment based on your supervisor's perception of your ideas, the public, not many opportunties for reference, answering to local government
Pro: Organizing things, touching history, not having to be on every day, can still organize activities, get to speak before local groups and can still put together something like a newsletter based on the institution
Con: No chance to work with the public, few jobs, doesn't usually pay as well, lots of minutiae, begging for collections, unpredictable level of work, not much room for advancement, the para-professionals and assistants get to do the fun work most of the time, would be good to have archival certification or degree
Well, I am most excited about public libraries. It's something I am really interested in because most of the time I am a people person. Some days I just don't want to deal with it, but others are great. I know that I eventually want to be a library director and so accepting a public library position is what I should look for. Hopefully somewhere I can stay for 5 years while I gain experience and then go off elsewhere looking for a director job. I just know that I want to be the one in charge, lol. It's strange, when I can younger, I dreaded being in charge and telling people (except my siblings) what to do. I also hated talking to strange people and I'm kinda okay with it in professional settings. I'm still kinda agoraphobic in groups when it's not work-related. Yes, I hate going out in public. If I didn't force myself to do things, I would never leave the house except for work and the occaisonal shopping trip.
Anyway, so I have just about convinced myself only to apply for public library positions until thee end of the month when I will broaden my focus again and I think my focus for the week will be on jobs in the Southeastern US, yes, I think it would be nice to live out there. I think I would like to live in a city or a small town only if within easy reach of a city and hopefully something natury like the ocean or a protected forrest. I've been applying for some more rural positions, but maybe I should stop and look only at the cities...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bentos: The Freshmaker
Hmm. I also made this mini crustless quiches in foil cupcake tins. They are pretty good too. I did not however share with my family because they always complain about my cooking. So even though they kept mentioning how good it smelled and how hungry they were, I neglected to offer them sustanance. But they ALWAYS complain about my food, so I don't feel too badly about starving them. There was plenty of food to eat, just not mine.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
New Sewing Patterns
The only one I've cut out is the 40s style Butterick 5209. I think I'll make it with the sleeves for 4th of July. Hmm, now I have to plan something to wear it to... Maybe a family picnic or we could go out to some fireworks.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Delayed Update
Friday, March 28, 2008
Passed Capstone
Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication have come to
fruition. You have successfully completed the Capstone Experience.
If you have met all of your other academic requirements, you will graduate on
May 9.As a graduate, I hope you will continue to participate in the life of the
school. This time, not as a student but as a colleague. We need your
ideas and energy. The School needs you to help identify opportunities,
open doors, and pave the way for our mutual success. We need your help to
receive the greatest dividends in the investment you have made in your
education. We hope you will join with us as an alumnus.We also want to
assist you in achieving your career goals. If we can identify a job
opportunity, write you a reference, or simply give you some advice, please let
us know. Give us a call or drop us a line. We're still here to help
you.Again, congratulations and best wishes for a successful career.
Isn't it wonderful? Celebrate. I wish I got more feedback on how my essays were, but I suppose they were good enough for me to pass and that's enough.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
In Korea now!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mod a Sewing Machine
Thursday, February 7, 2008
More Future Plans?
Okay so after my Year In Korea (shall I abbreviate, YIK?) I get back to the US and start looking for a job. Sings to self.
I'd like to make a list of the places I'll be looking for library jobs in. These are all places I've been to or always wanted to see.
- San Antonio
- El Paso
- Albuquerque
- Salt Lake City
- Casper, WY
- Cody, WY
- Oklahoma City
- Dallas
- Pocohantas
- Athens, TX
- Lufkin, TX
- Midland, TX
- Jasper, TX
- White Plains, NM
- Williamsberg, Va
Now what am I looking for in my next domestic abode?
- Small town feel
- Culture is some supply, but constant stuff not necessary
- Hot most of the year
- In Texas always preferable
- Lots of YSM nearby ;)
- Librarian job available
- Something historical nearby
- Decent price for houses
Thats all I can think of for now. This leaves San Antonio as the town I'll probably move to if I can find a job. Now after I get back, I want to buy a Mini Cooper Convertible and put a down payment down on a house. I suppose this means that on my return to the US I'll become a real adult with responsibities and stuff. Now this does necessitate my finding a job that pays more than $40,000 a year. I'll probably look for some position in the academic librarianship field. There are several colleges and universities in San Antonio and there's also the public schools. Anyway, also, after I return I don't want to gom straight to work. I want to take a road trip. Hmmm, I may want to negotiate with my school to stay an additional 3 or 4 months if I really like it so I can return in May or June and really enjoy my new car and there'll probably be more jobs available in the universities at this time as they hire for the following school year. Hmm. As I said, I love the plan even if none of my planning comes to any fruition.
Now It's Officially Time to Campaign for Mickey
Hmmm, I'm going to have to give this more thought. All I can think is how cool it would be for Mickey Mouse to win and how that would be the ultimate sign of voter disenfranchisement
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Maybe I should just vote for Mickey Mouse...
But lets look at a worst case scenario: McCain vs. Clinton. Oh gag me with a spoon. Could it get much worse then that? Those are the sort of candidates that inspire me to vote Mickey Mouse. It would be an interesting point about American culture if Mickey Mouse actually won a state. It doesn't have to be a big one, just Alaska or Wyoming would do. lol
Hmmm, so seriously in a battle between McCain and Clinton I might not vote Mickey, but I might find some independant. It may be wasting my vote, but at least I'll have voted so I can complain about whoever wins to my heart's content. I kinda miss complaining about politics from the Clinton days. Then it was a wnderful pastime for me and my friends. Now I've been reasonably happy with the leadership of America for 8 years and its going to be so weird to listen to talk radio all the time and complain and whine about the state of the country. I'm kinda looking forward to it I must say, but think positive. I'm going to still support Mitt until the bitter end. :)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Goodbye President Hinckley
More dental work and prep stuff...
Okay, also I picked up a few boxes from Walgreens and work, but still need more since I want to send 4 boxes of stuff to Korea and also leave some here and the boxes I've got are a bit woebegone after 3 moves. When I get back, I SO have to get a real place that I can take all my stuff to and be an adult in. Seriously, after the shot, I felt like I was shivering, but wasn't and wasn't cold either. It was weird, but went away as the drilling went on.
So, I'm also a bit hungry, but a numb mouth sort of limits ingestion opportunities. I ate some of that Laughing Cow Cream Cheese and it was sure nice, but I'm still a bit hungry. Must have something to do with it being my TOM.
Also, I took Luna into the groomers today, except it wasn't the groomers I normally use. I took her to the new Bow Wow Wash where you can go to wash your dog, sort of like a car wash. They have all the stuff ready and tubs that are raised to waist level so you don't need to bend over too much to do the washing. I was really impressed with how Luna took it. I expected her to spend the whole time trying to get out like last time, but she stood there and just let me use the soap, water, and conditioner on her. And then she let me dry her and brush her and let her ears be cleaned and nailed be clipped by the owner. It was awesome and for 12.95, that's a lot less money then the groomer and it took only 15 minutes. When I take Luna to the groomers, it usually takes much more time, like at least 4 hours.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
All Cut Out and Nowhere to Go....
The 30s style pattern is going to be a long sleeved flannel nightgown for those cold Korean nights and the tunic is being made from a chocolate brown challis. I'm considering that some red lace around the collar and end of the sleeves may look nice. Maybe. I'm procrastinating on the sewing because I hate to change the thread and stuff and really should finish the polka dot dress first. Now there is a second reason I'm hesitating on the dress, one of the panels of the princess seaming is noticably lighter then the rest. It's odd since there's no other discolored peices and I don't have enough interest or fabric to cut it out again, so my back right side panel is a little light and I wonder if I like it enought to finish it. In the meantime I'm finishing nothing else.
Okay, so I'm still going to the dentist tomorrow afternoon and Capstone starts tomorrow. I spent a lot of time getting ready for it on Friday since it seems my initial application got lost. Odd since it was ONLINE. Anyway, so its all ready for tomorrow. Oh and I reckon Luna deserves to see the dogpark in the morning, or at least a walk somewhere, so the plan is to do that after dropping Susan off at school, I think I told her I would do that. It all blends together.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
My Foundation Hunt
What's Out:
most any foundation from L'oreal. I've yet to find one that looks good on me
Maybelline Age Rewind cream, I use this as a concealer, but it looks too mask-like as a foundation.
What in:
Everyday Minerals in Multitasking
What's Left to try/On the fence):
Revlon ColorStay (I bought the wrong color and should probably see if I can exchange it.)
Revlon Colorstay Active (this is the one I'm trying today, my skin actually looked a bit pinker then I like before I left this morning, but I'll check it again when I get home.)
Milani tinted moisturizer. (It seems to be a good color match, but balls up like the rubber on a pencil eraser after you erase something from a peice of paper so I wonder about it)
CG Tinted Moisturizer (Lightest is too light, #2 is too dark, but I like the coverage and consistency).
Maybelline liquid Mineral makeup (I bought this in the wrong color and returned it to Walmart, but it seemed really smooth for the few minutes I wore it.)
CG Trublend (I haven't used it for years, but remember it fondly. It's one of the few foundations I've ever bought 2 of, the other of Max Factor Pan Stick, CG Aquasmooth, and EDM)
Now for my other makeup to bring with me. I'm needing to buy L'oreal Featherlash and Revlon Brow Fantasy in dark blonde. Both are awesome little products that should so come with me to Korea. Seriously.
Also, I've been really thirsty lately, which is great because I know I'm perpetually dehydrated because I don't drink much water because I'm not thirsty, so yay for being thirsty.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Preparing for the Weekend
I also plan to sew 2 dresses from scratch, both should be relatively easy, one is Butterick 4980 and the other is a vintage mail order wrap pattern, I would post pics, but that usb cable has wandered off as is its wont.
Okay, so on Saturday I need to work from 9-2 and continue low carbing. i will also complete the two dresses if anything still needs doing and also sew the flannel night gown from the Simplicity 30s style pattern. I also want to clean out my closet and take all the garage sale stuff and put it into the garage, organized. This means I'll need to find some boxes on Saturday. At work I need to write the next week's blog so I can publish it quickly on Monday afternoon and finish the blog user guide.
Now for Sunday, I need to remember to fast and pray and also to clean off all the shelves in my room and sew the sundress from another vintage mail order pattern.
That should complete my weekend.
Since I'm planning, let me remember what I must do before I leave.
On Monday I need to pay the water bill. I also have a dentist appointment for some fillings and a veneer over my crooked front tooth. I also need to start taking Luna on a 30 minute walk every day in preparation for Korea. This is also the first day of Capstone. It opens at noon. :) After my Dentist appointment, I wil not be fit to return to work with a numb jaw, so I plan to go home and get a good start on Capstone. I need to read over the questions and decide what perspective I need for them and start finding books and articles that can help.
On Tuesday, I need to write an outline for each of the Capstone essays and begin to write at least one. At work I need to write the blogs for the next month. I also need to complete the new books list since its a bit over due and send a new book to feature to Velora.
On Wendesday, I need to finish the first essay and finish the second one too. At work I need to work on the website user guide and also make sure peotry reading stuff is sent out and work on blurb for learning object group. I also need to take a few moments to clean out under my bed, just as a break from Capstone.
On Thursday I need to finish the third essay. At work I need to work on the website user guide and look at any possible changes to the homepage. Then again at home, I need to sew that loose pair of pants.
On Friday, I need to take my essays into the LAC so they can look them over and help me edit them. I also need to read over them at least twice out loud. When that is complete, I need to decide on the luggage situation and go through my jewelry. Oh, and watch Monk and Psych. Parents gone. i need to continue to work on my talk about mercy
On Saturday, I need to work from 9-2 and work on the website changes. At home, I need to sort through my closet and clothees to further reduce. I would also like to sew a the skirt and the go through the stuff in the garage and decide what stays at the house and what can be sold. Parents gone. Work on talk.
Issue about Sunday, I have to give a talk at my ward, but my sister's go to the other one. Can they get another ride? More to do on Sunday. Make final decisions about clothes. Advertise garage sale on Craigslist. Go by Gma's house
On Monday, I need to advertise again on Craigslist and do so every day leading up to the sale, also any other free classifieds. Tell the parents to put all the stuff they want to sell into one corner of the front room. At work I need to work on the archives and get it all ready for binding. I also want to sew the 40s style dress and cut out the suit.
On Tuesday, at work enter all data into the computer for the archives. Pack 4 boxes of stuff to send to Korea immediately. Pack 2 boxes to be sent in 6 months. sew suit.
On Wednesday, Make sure computer and email is completely cleaned off and projext redistributed. Poetry reading too at 11:30 and 5:30. At home, sew purple dress and start on the flannel robe.
On Thursday, Final day with everyone there, give archives stuff to S and user guides to J and make final adjustments to the website, start cleaning out desk. At home, sew swirly dress, finish robe.
On Friday, Do a packing test run for fit and weight. Start garage sale, A comes down. Make all final decisions reguarding selling/keeping/bringing
On Saturday, work final day 9-2. Clean out desk and erase stuff on folders. Mom runs the garage sale.
On Sunday, garage sale and complete taxes and sew challis pants
On Monday go to dentist for veneer. Decide to keep or donate leftovers and drop off donations. Move everything left over out of the room and tape it up and get everything together to paint the walls. Go see gma and viv.
On Tuesday, take Luna to see the vet for health certificate, make sure she has all tags, make final packing decisions. paint room with primer.
On Wendesday, make final goodbyes, verify all travel arrangements
On Thursday, fly to Korea.
Whew, can I actually do all this?
Another Day of Makeup and Suchlike :)
a black tunic style shirt with sleeves I love, but a length that seems a little long, even for a tunic for $6.
and a George a-line skirt(navy blue) for $16 full price, looks good but I haven't had a chance to try it on yet.
They were some nice purchases, but I reckon I'll take the black tunic shirt back since I don't really like it.
So before leaving for Korea, I'm trying to decide what I really need. I've been trying a lot of makeup lately to find the HG items that I'll buy more of and bring with me. Well EDM is still pretty HG for me. Good coverage and lasts an okay amount of time. I would like a MMU that lasts longer though, so have ordered some samples from Dreamworld Mineral Makeup. I love the theme of the site. It's all magic and goddesses and mystery. I'll post my results for the products as soon as they come in.
I also returned the Sonia Kashuk tinted moisturizer #1 because it was way to yellow and looked it on the skin. I guess CG tinted mouisturizer is the best. I've also tried and returned the liquid mineral makeup from Maybelline, but that was only because I didn't pick the right color. It went on really smooth though, so I may give it a second chance. The only problem is that you really cannot tell what color it is through the plastic, but its also lightweight and hygenic(the bottle).
Also I tried Max Factor foundations in whipped cream and pan cake. I like the consistency of pan cake, but couldn't get a good color in either, both were way too yellow. Anyway, so both went back.
What have I tried recently and liked? The Sonia Kashuk Face Palette will become a regular staple for me in Korea I think. It's perfect for traveling because it have nice inoffensive colors and concealers and a mirror. I really like the brow pencil too. Although her brow pencil just can't beat the one from Revlon Brow Fantasy. I so have to buy more of that before I go because its the least red of the blonde eyebrow pencils. Why do they think blonde want red brows? I suppose they reckon that most blondes have some colors in their brows. More fool them for that thought.
I did my newly bobbed hair as curly today and this was probably not the best day to do it since the wind was mondo destructive. I was fighting against it all the way in to work this morning. It was so bad that I was carrying a bag of tortillas and the tortillas fell out of the bag and I didn't even notice til I was inside and I didn't bother looking since I was already late for work.
So, I should be sewing a lot soon and will post the stuff I sew. At least, the successful stuff I sew. There are 12 items currently in the TBS pile. Incidentally, I also bought some stickers to put on stuff for my garage sale in a couple of weeks.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Teeth and Hair
So after the teeth inspection, I went to the mall since I had 2 hours to kill before work and a desire to get a smoothie and get a hair cut. I went to Mia and Maxx and a rather pleasant young woman of 20 worked on my hair. I wan't sure what I wanted since this was kinda last minute. I just spent over $800 dollars and felt the need to spend some more. So no pic or prep. At the shampoo stage, I realized I wanted a bob so that's what I told her to cut for me. I ended up with a pob. For those unaware, a pob is the posh bob. Of course it will never look like this on me.
I have a lot of hair for this look, so it will never lie as flat on my head. Anyway, I woulod never have asked for the Posh anything, but I actually like the cut and hope no one else will be aware of its pob origins. I had it done before work, so haven't had a chance to take a pic yet, so I'll update my avatar to show it off in a couple of days.
More on the looks front (let's just be shallow today), my skin has felt really dry lately. I blame my new cleanser Garnier Fructis Detoxifying Gel Cleanser. At first, it just made my pores smaller. In doing that it made my skin look older. It's kinda hard to descibe, but the lines beneath my eyes becamer seriously deep, like weirdly deep and they extended much further then before, beyond the end of my eyes. Weird. Well, last night I used extra virgin olive oil to remove my makeup and then put still more on to further hydrate the skin. I also used the skin brightening facial moisturiser beneath my eyes that is very rich and my skin looks much better today. I suppose the cleanser is just too much combined with winter dryness. I may try it again in the summer whilst in Korea or just more more cleansing maybe once a week.
Oh and the chick at Mia and Maxx showed me a new way to make my hair straighter with a paddle brush vs. the round brush. I think I liked it better. My hair is pretty straight and non-frizzed at the moment. Wish it well.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Feeling Bored and Antsy...
This said, I was talking to one of my bosses today about getting rid of so much of my stuff and she mentioned the liberating aspects of leading a stuff-less life. I agree that having less stuff can be very liberating. It does feel freeing to get rid of stuff you don't need. Unfortunately I am still a pack rat and have trouble evaluating the necessity of specific items.
Oh, and my hair is looking very orange and brassy in photos. It's weird because I seriously doubt it looks nearly so brassy in real life. Here's me rocking(lol) my newest thrift store find. Yes, I'm getting rid of stuff, but still needed some sunglasses because they have a tendancy to walk away or be sat on and destroyed. Bummer.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
So I've been on a bit of a break and have made some changes...
and is now more of a reddish blonde.
I am slowly taking it back to the original blonde color.
On Christmas, it just hit me that while I enjoyed being a redhead, I was ready to take it back. Now this can't be done overnight since my original hair color is blonde and its was darl red. Yeah, but my first thing was to try that Loreal Color Ooops and get myself some wonderfully fried orange hair. Awesome. :) I went to the salon and spent 5 hours there and $200 the day after Christmas to fix the orange. They did a pretty good job by putting in highlights and lowlights. That was a lot of time to spend in a chair though. I nodded off at one point. It kinda reminded me of math class in high school in terms of boredom. It been more than a week now, and it kinda become a bit more orangy then it was. Maybe I should pick up something at Sallys that deals with brassiness.
Okay, in other news I got a B and an A for my last semester and my field experience waiver has been accepted so I get to sign up for Capstone the first week or two of February.
I sewed another shirt: I'm not in a mood to review it or look for the envelope for the number, so it'll have to wait. But here's a pic.
So I've also decided to move to Korea.
Yes, I could elucidate. After Capstone, I will have my Master in Library and Information Science and this makes me antsy. I guess whenever I approach a major change in my life, I want to run away. When I finished the basics in my Undergrad, I moved to Garmisch for a year and worked at AFRC as a housekeeper (that's Armed Forces Recreation Centers in Europe for thosee who don't know). So when I got my BA, I moved to small town Wyoming for a year with Americorps VISTA. So to keep my life consistent, I have to do something special to celebrate my completion of my Masters degree. So I'm going to Korea to teach ESL for a year. Right now I'm looking at Seoul primarily because I've never lived in a big city before and would like to try it and because it's the only city in Korea with an English speaking ward other than the military ward in Busan. Busan is another big city, so if I'm going to live in a big city, it may as well be the biggest one.
Oh, and I reckon I will bring Luna with me. I've heard some horrible thing that people have 'heard' about happening, but have also corresponded with 5 people who have had pets in Korea with no problems and have haunted a couple of discussion forums that have both positive and negative stories in them. I would hate to leave her behind, although I worry about leaving her at home alone for 10 hours a day during the week. This happened before when we lived in an apartment, but then we had a nearby dog park and in Seoul there is no dog parks. But Luna shoudl be fine if I take her on walks. More aout this later I suppose.