Friday, November 21, 2008


So I just got back from the midnight showing of Twilight. It was awesome. I still haven't read the books, but now I actually want to. I'm not much for horror or vampire lit, but the movie was so good, I think the books aren't what I would expect. They also made sense and were interesting for me as a newbie, I could tell there were references to the book that I didn't get, but they didn't get in the way of the story. btw: It's a story of first love with a little teen angst thrown in, but not too much and it doesn't get in the way. Oh, and the mirror scene was seriously exciting and dramatic.

All the bit characters were interesting. The story revolves around Bella and Edward, but the vampire characters and the classmates are flesh and blood. There were a few akward moments with the dialogue, but I think they were on purpose and they were nearly as bad as any of the Star Wars movies which I hold up as monuments to bad dialogue. All in all, I think this has been my favorite midnight showing since the second Lord of the Ring. The audience was interested, good seats, and the movie was enthralling. Let's see if the midnight showing for Star Trek will compare.

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