So graduation is August 8th at 4 pm in Denton and there's a reception afterward. I haven't received my tickets or information yet, but I looked at the site and they say they don't send that sort of stuff out until 3 weeks prior so I shouldn't get it until next week. This gives me plenty of time to diet and sew something. I've narrowed it down to 3 dresses.
Vogue 2354 (a vintage vogue)
An old McCalls pattern like this vintage vogue
and this modern Maggy London Butterick 4657.
So now I'm starting the muslins. I've got 3-4 weeks until the ceremony, so I've got time to make up a wearable muslin and then buy some nice fabric to make the graduation dress in. I've already cut out the 40s style one from an old dark blue sheet and I think I will sew it tonight and see how it comes together. The Mccalls will wait until tomorrow and this weekend, I will do the Butterick. Then I'll decide which one I like best and then buy some properly nice and summery fabric. I'm thinking something pastel, like a lavender or light yellow, or maybe something with a bold print. I think I may even go to Golden D'or to pick it up since they have quite a variety of nice and reasonably priced fabric. I do miss the fabric area in Seoul sometimes, now that was variety, but didn't make up for the less savory aspects of that country for me. sigh.
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