Friday, December 21, 2007

Eastfield College Closes

So at about 2 or so this afternoon, we got a call to go on lockdown at work. This meant no one could leave or enter the library. This could have been a big issue if it lasted longer than an hour since all the bathrooms in the library are closed for the next 3 weeks. Thankfully, we got a call about 20 minutes later to have the students leave. Thankfully, this afternoon we had few students hanging out in the library. We only closed a little early. It does take awhile to close everything down and they told us we had to leave, like now. We did take a few minutes to turn everything off and lock all the doors before leaving. I actually left while there were still several of my coworkers getting ready to leave, but we were told to get out and there wasn't much left I could do. So I left and still feel a little guilty, but seriously, everything was done, people were just double checking and stuff, I was not needed for that. I guess I'm so used to leaving with everyone when we leave.

Now, I still have no idea what happened. We just got the call for lockdown, then that we could let the students leave, then that the campus was being evacuated and we had to leave now. Anyway, I left work 1.5 hours early. It worked out great because I needed to pick up a couple of packages from the post office and they closed at 4:30 and that's when I was getting off of work. Otherwise I wouldn't have the presents fom my Grandpa in Arizona or the new mineral makeup from Elf. I just tried it on and it seems okay, I'll give it another shot tomorrow.

I hope I find out what happened on campus soon, or it'll drive me crazy with wondering.


ANA BOLINA said...

I saw it and it ´s very strange you have got the same name. My name is Ana Bolina too and I m Portuguese. I ve been very surprised. So hello :)

ANA BOLINA said...

I saw it and it ´s very strange you have got the same name. My name is Ana Bolina too and I m Portuguese. I ve been very surprised. So hello :)