Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Poor Little Puppy

When I got home from work last night, there was an odd wet spot on my bed, a big one, like 3-4 feet in diameter. I wondered about it because my Luna is housetrained and hasn't had an accident in well over a year.

So I changed the sheets and blankets, put a couple of towels down to soak it up, the febreezed it and put the new sheet on. I then laid down and everything was fine, but Luna crawled onto the bed and curled up and I noticed another wet spot growing beneath her, so I petted her and put her in the back yard and we played fetch for awhile and then I left her out there for the rest of the night and changed the sheets again. I did notice before I finally put her out that her breathing was a little funny. It's like she would exhale forcefully every few seconds However, this morning she seemed fine. She was her normal cherry self and played a mean game of fetch/keep away. I noticed her food bowl was full. Anyway, the bladder thing needed some help, so I got her into an appointment first thing and the vet said it was probably a problem with her sphincter. She's been neutered since July of 2006 and the lack of estrogen causes this in some dogs. I got a prescription for some pills to give her twice a day. The vet said she might not need to take them for too long, the duration can last from 2 weeks to all her life. I think the vet it hopful that it will resolve itself in the next couple of week because I got enough pills for that long. Here's hoping.

Oh, she also has a subconjunctival hemmorage. While playing fetch this morning she was back to me very quickly and her head rammed my leg and we both got bruises from it. My on my leg, her on her eye. It looks really bad, but the vet said it should clear up in a couple of weeks and she should be fine. This pic is kinda the human equivalent. So this was my night and morning, I hope Luna is doing better tonight.

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