Friday, March 28, 2008

Passed Capstone

Well I haven't updated over here very much because I've been updating my Korea blog, but I just received this email.

Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication have come to
fruition. You have successfully completed the Capstone Experience.
If you have met all of your other academic requirements, you will graduate on
May 9.As a graduate, I hope you will continue to participate in the life of the
school. This time, not as a student but as a colleague. We need your
ideas and energy. The School needs you to help identify opportunities,
open doors, and pave the way for our mutual success. We need your help to
receive the greatest dividends in the investment you have made in your
education. We hope you will join with us as an alumnus.We also want to
assist you in achieving your career goals. If we can identify a job
opportunity, write you a reference, or simply give you some advice, please let
us know. Give us a call or drop us a line. We're still here to help
you.Again, congratulations and best wishes for a successful career.

Isn't it wonderful? Celebrate. I wish I got more feedback on how my essays were, but I suppose they were good enough for me to pass and that's enough.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! How is it all going over there? Done any sewing or fabric shopping lately?

A Texas Granny said...

Congratulations Oh Wonderful One!

Seriously, I knew you were great before the College did!

I love you, girl. Keep up the great work. Anytime you get homesick, think of me. . . I'll be glad to "Chat" any time you need.

Kisses and hugs!

- Auntie Viv

Slave Research said...

I took a page from your book, mom and I are attempting a blog page of our own. . .