The 30s style pattern is going to be a long sleeved flannel nightgown for those cold Korean nights and the tunic is being made from a chocolate brown challis. I'm considering that some red lace around the collar and end of the sleeves may look nice. Maybe. I'm procrastinating on the sewing because I hate to change the thread and stuff and really should finish the polka dot dress first. Now there is a second reason I'm hesitating on the dress, one of the panels of the princess seaming is noticably lighter then the rest. It's odd since there's no other discolored peices and I don't have enough interest or fabric to cut it out again, so my back right side panel is a little light and I wonder if I like it enought to finish it. In the meantime I'm finishing nothing else.
Okay, so I'm still going to the dentist tomorrow afternoon and Capstone starts tomorrow. I spent a lot of time getting ready for it on Friday since it seems my initial application got lost. Odd since it was ONLINE. Anyway, so its all ready for tomorrow. Oh and I reckon Luna deserves to see the dogpark in the morning, or at least a walk somewhere, so the plan is to do that after dropping Susan off at school, I think I told her I would do that. It all blends together.
I love your choice of patterns - they're fantastic! I especially love the 1930s style long dress and the idea to have it as a cold-weather nightie. I'm the biggest sucker for long things, so whenever I'm making sleepwear it's always long.
Love the little butterick dress and bolero too - very cute.
Can't wait to see the finished results!!
How long until the big move now?
Also, thank you for the lovely comment you left about my black dress :)
less then 3 weeks, I got some boxes today from work. Wow so much to do, so little time :-P Thanks for the encouragement. I reckon I'll finish the polka dot one tomorrow morning for work and take a pic after work when my sisters are home to take the actual picture. Thanks Kathleen :)
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