Friday, December 21, 2007

Eastfield College Closes

So at about 2 or so this afternoon, we got a call to go on lockdown at work. This meant no one could leave or enter the library. This could have been a big issue if it lasted longer than an hour since all the bathrooms in the library are closed for the next 3 weeks. Thankfully, we got a call about 20 minutes later to have the students leave. Thankfully, this afternoon we had few students hanging out in the library. We only closed a little early. It does take awhile to close everything down and they told us we had to leave, like now. We did take a few minutes to turn everything off and lock all the doors before leaving. I actually left while there were still several of my coworkers getting ready to leave, but we were told to get out and there wasn't much left I could do. So I left and still feel a little guilty, but seriously, everything was done, people were just double checking and stuff, I was not needed for that. I guess I'm so used to leaving with everyone when we leave.

Now, I still have no idea what happened. We just got the call for lockdown, then that we could let the students leave, then that the campus was being evacuated and we had to leave now. Anyway, I left work 1.5 hours early. It worked out great because I needed to pick up a couple of packages from the post office and they closed at 4:30 and that's when I was getting off of work. Otherwise I wouldn't have the presents fom my Grandpa in Arizona or the new mineral makeup from Elf. I just tried it on and it seems okay, I'll give it another shot tomorrow.

I hope I find out what happened on campus soon, or it'll drive me crazy with wondering.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

EBook Reader and so Much More

So after looking at the Kindle, I started wondering what I would want from a device like this and I reckon I would like a mixture of services from a lot of other handheld devices. I think the Kindle does most of these.

What my ideal reader should be able to do:
  • Open eBooks in many different formats including, pdf, jpeg, microsoft eBook, text, doc, and any other text reading format I can't think of.
  • Place music from a a variety of formats including mp3 and wma withou needing conversion.
  • I don't really need wifi, but it would be cool to have wifi and a small browser
  • small keyboard for typing
  • microphone
  • be able to write notes on the screen that it can traslate into computer text
  • at least 10 GB memory with expansion possible
  • reasonably fast processor
  • able to be read in most any light
  • usb connection for connecting a keyboard to type on it.
  • some form of a word processing program on it for writing
  • various organizational software: calendar, grocery list, exercise entry and food entry for dietary purposes.
  • look cool, maybe shiny and black with parts that can be colored so it can look more personal. (The Kindle just doesn't look like something you want to show off to anyone, you know?)
  • Video playback would also be cool.

Okay, so that's what I would want it to be. Sort of a mix between an mp3 player, tablet pc, ebook reader, and pda. Oh, and I would want it to cost less than $200 so I could afford it and justify buying it when . Yeah, so that's my druthers in relation to the issues. My laptop does all these things and it's portable, it would just be cool to have something more that could do these things and have it be affordable. I'll just have to wait and see then.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Getting the Little Stuff Done

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I love sewing, but hate hemming. I mean, its boring and not particularly satisfying and I wish there was some way to avoid it. I tried that iron on hem tape, but it comes off after awhile. On the other hand it gave my the cleanest edge of any of my hems, so I maybe should use it more often before hemming. So today, I hemmed. It was fun enough, but I am sort of tired of hemming now. I think I hemmed six dresses. I alsosewed buttons onto 1 dress and decided to just remake another that just isn't looking right. Oh, and last night I sewed a jacket, skirt, and pair of pants, hemming included from a modern Simplicity pattern. It ended up looking pretty good, but I haven't put the button on the front. The jacket has a lot of shape any way, so I'll try to consider what I want to do and can get away with :)

I exercised this morning. I did 15 minutes of Turbo Jam and 10 minutes from the Quickfix Cardio Kick, then 20 minutes from the lower body portion on 20/20 The New Method Pilates. Then I sewed and then took a nap this afternoon when the home teacher called and will be visiting after church tomorrow.

Oh, and bro cooked something lowcarb for me, sort of a pizza pie. It did have filo dough, but it was just at the bottom and I just didn't eat it.

This was my Saturday and its not even over yet. Maybe its time to start a new project? I'd intended to go through my unfinished project area (usually there's a good reason a project is unfinished), but I've no motivation to do that right now. What I actually need to do is shred my junk mail, take out the trash, sort through my clothes, organize my sewin area, buy a filing cabinet for my patterns, create a duct tape dress form, and find my mp3 player that has mysteriously disappeared, hmmm.

Friday, December 14, 2007

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I would post this to the pattern reiews site, but it's giving me issues. Bummer. So I'll post it later and you all will get a look at it.

Pattern Description:
Misses dress with midriff band and two upper bodice options.

Pattern Sizing:
I made a 14 on top and 16 on bottom.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Yes, this is one of my favorite patterns, I've used it three times.

Here's the back view.
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Another version.
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And here's another one. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I love the wiggle dress feel of the pencil skirted version. I stuck a circle skirt on the flowered version and the green one was made with Simplicity 3673.

Were the instructions easy to follow?
Well, I didn't really follow them, so I've no idea how well they are written. I did try to use them for the pencil skirt and could not understand what they were describing for the back skirt slit. I ended up chanelling my need to wiggle by not sewing the slit.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
The faux wrap upper bodice peice is one of my favorite looks and is really flattering. I think the lining darts and bodice pleats really enhance the bust area. I'm notparticularly fond of the pleats on the skirt of the pencil skirt, I really do not think they are a good idea for people with hips more then 32 inches across.

I also love the back of the pattern, although I can't find that peice right now :(

Fabric Used:
Wal Mart cotton $1 and you can tell. It's slightly see through and the first time I wore it, the back of the skirt was torn at the flap (can't think of te proper name for it right now) On the other hand, I love the pattern and just make sure to wear it with a slip.

Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made:
For the pencil skirt version, the only change I made was converting the pleats into darts. It wasn't completely successful, but I'm happy with the look. The others were changed more extensively.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
Yes, I've sewn it three times, I think its' going to become a maxi dress nex time.

This is seriously one of my favorite patterns and I hope to find still more ways to wear it. Oh, and its seriously easy.

Some more random pictures...
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Monday, December 10, 2007

Seriously Easy Dinner

So I got home from work tonight, kinda hungry, but not really wanting to cook so I made chicken and penne rosemary alfredo with low everything vanilla ice cream with some sugar free strawberry syrup.


1 defrosted chicken brest, sliced
2 shallots
garlic paste
Lowry Seasoned Salt
Olive Oil spray

  • So I fried up the shallots and garlic paste in the olive oil spray.
  • Then I added the chicken to the skillet under medium-high heat
  • Then I added the seasoned salt, although not too much nor too little.

Pasta with sauce and Rosemary

Whole grain Pasta

Bertolli's alfredo sauce



  • Cook Pasta to preferred tenderness.
  • Add enough alfredo sauce to coat pasta with a little left over that swished around the pan
  • Add garlic paste
  • Cook til heated through
  • Add Rosemary to taste

Then it was done and I ate Blue Bell's diet vanilla ice cream with Sorbee's sugar free strawberry syrup.

All in all a seriously good meal and easy too:)

My coursework is done, but I've still got classes...

Well all my Master's coursework is now complete. :jumps up and down, then dances badly: I still need to get my practicum waiver and capstone application to the UNT SLIS office in the next couple of days, but my MLIS is pretty much complete. So what may be the classes I refer to? Well, working at a college means I have access to lots of fun classes and I now have to desice which ones I really want to take. All the DCCCD fashion and design classes are at El Centro and that is just too much effort to go to to be worth the effort, so I'll stick to Eastfield courses.

My potential courses are:

  • Ballet I
  • Painting I
  • Beginning Spanish Conversation
  • Jogging I
  • Guitar Class I

This would be my schedule if I took them all:

Go in at 10 for Guitar class
Jogging/Triathlon 11-12:30
Work 1-10

Institute 12:30
Work 1-10
Ballet/Pilates 5:30-7

Go in at 10 for Guitar class
Jogging/Triathlon 11-12:30
Work 1-10

Take Susan to work at 8 am
Work 1-10
Ballet/Pilates 5:30-7

Take Susan to work at 8
Painting class 9-3

Work 9-2
Spanish conversation 2-5

The Ballet/Pilates class is halfway on my lunch, so I can use 1.5 hours of my lunch and 1.5 hours of wellness.

This means I'll get at least 6 hours of physical activity each week and I'll get to try to play the guitar I've owned since I was 14 and learn to paint(something I've always wanted to learn.) This does mean I will have less time for other things, but I suppose it's worth it. Oh and the Spanish is because my sister was practicing at Church (we're in a biligual ward) and I treid to respond and could barely remember how to respond. Errgg, I've got to get back to speaking it or something. Now, I do know some Spanish, so I wonder if beginning Spanish conversation may be a little too easy for me and I may become frustrated with it, but I'll be auditing it for free, so if it's too easy, I may end up just dropping it, or leaving early or something.

So with all these classes, how much will it cost in money? Well, the Ballet and Jogging classes are free through the wellness program. The Spanish class is free because I'll be auditing it as workforce development. I'll only have to pay for the Painting and Guitar classes for a total of 4 credit hours. Now, I might worry about the extra time it will take, but it's personal interest and physical fitness classes, so I'll not worry too much. Of course, these are all doable only on a space available basis and pending confirmation of my sister's schedule. If a class doesn't make or fills completely, or my sister tells me her schedule is going to change, one or more of these classes may not happen. I also need confirmation from my boss that the one during my lunch/for wellness can happen.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Poor Little Puppy

When I got home from work last night, there was an odd wet spot on my bed, a big one, like 3-4 feet in diameter. I wondered about it because my Luna is housetrained and hasn't had an accident in well over a year.

So I changed the sheets and blankets, put a couple of towels down to soak it up, the febreezed it and put the new sheet on. I then laid down and everything was fine, but Luna crawled onto the bed and curled up and I noticed another wet spot growing beneath her, so I petted her and put her in the back yard and we played fetch for awhile and then I left her out there for the rest of the night and changed the sheets again. I did notice before I finally put her out that her breathing was a little funny. It's like she would exhale forcefully every few seconds However, this morning she seemed fine. She was her normal cherry self and played a mean game of fetch/keep away. I noticed her food bowl was full. Anyway, the bladder thing needed some help, so I got her into an appointment first thing and the vet said it was probably a problem with her sphincter. She's been neutered since July of 2006 and the lack of estrogen causes this in some dogs. I got a prescription for some pills to give her twice a day. The vet said she might not need to take them for too long, the duration can last from 2 weeks to all her life. I think the vet it hopful that it will resolve itself in the next couple of week because I got enough pills for that long. Here's hoping.

Oh, she also has a subconjunctival hemmorage. While playing fetch this morning she was back to me very quickly and her head rammed my leg and we both got bruises from it. My on my leg, her on her eye. It looks really bad, but the vet said it should clear up in a couple of weeks and she should be fine. This pic is kinda the human equivalent. So this was my night and morning, I hope Luna is doing better tonight.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Aargh, I Hate Math...

So my research methods and analysis course is not fun. No, not fun at all. I answered some of the inferential statistics questions using online calculators, and I wonder if they did the job right. Ooh. I'm frustrated enough right now to just submit it and give up and making the numbers make sense.
For example, there are 4 tests they tell use to use including: Chi Test for Fit, Independent Chi Square Test, Independent T Test, and Independent T Test for Pearson's r. This last one is the hardest because I can find no references to it elsewhere. This makes me wonder if they just made it up to mess with our heads.

Hmmmmm. So what do I have left this semester:

  • Final for Research Methods
  • Some little questions from the last 3 Modules for Research Methods
  • This stats assignment
  • Oh, and I never did the midterm exam either(I did have permission for that one)
  • Thankfully there's nothing for my Information organization course. Although I am a bit worried. Our project for the semester was creating and explaining a database and toward that end, we wrote a long document in 4 stages with each stage building on the previous one. As this is distance ed, I was supposed to send the prof some envelopes that he could send my drafts to me in so I could incorporate his suggested changes to the next draft and when I sent them to him, they never arrived (love USPS). I ended up going up to Denton and dropping the last one off, but didn't get the edited draft until yesterday and the final paper was due on Monday. Oh bother, there are plenty of changes on the draft and I was marked down on it for not incorporating the changes from the previous draft(yes one I never got) and I'm a little worried on how much the final draft will be marked down because I didn't incorporate the changes. I did ask if I could makes the proposed changes and resend it today, but they've already printed them for the prof, so no dice.
So that's my current existence, how others are having a happier time of it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sorry about all the non-sewing posts: This one's about Ireland.

I've not had much time for sewing lately, so my mind has filled with other matters. Like, I really should be working on my SLIS 5080 class right now, but I'd rather blog.

Anyway, so I had lunch with the non-motivated sister and she revealed some future plans so she is no longer unmotivated. :)

I was talking about some of my future ideas including: travling around the world for a year, getting an MA in Archives and Record Managemnt from UC Dublin, and teaching English in Korea for a year or so. Thinking of all these ideas showed me that all my future plans revolve around travel and seeing more of the world. I am doing more than thinking about these plans.

For example, I'm working on my application for UC Dublin and have located a few scholarship sources whose deadlines are in the next couple of months. I plan to go to Denton this weekend to look for a letter of recommendation from my former boss in the Women's Collection and haven't decided who to ask for the other one. The application isn't due until March 30, but I reckon I'll be able to submit before January 1.

On the RTW front, I'm never going to be able to save enough money for an entire rtw trip, so I'm thinking world sections might be best. For example, 3 months in South America and come back to save again, or somthing of that nature.

Now on the teaching English front. I've been looking into some classes here at Eastfield focussed on teaching teachers ESL skills. The problem is that most occur while I'm at work, so going to them would be inconvenient.

Back to Ireland, I made a pro/con list for Ireland and I go ahead and share it.

I'd have more archivist opportunities
I'd get to wear cold weather wear
I could bring Luna
I'd get another Masters degree
I'd be paid more as an archivist (almost any job requiring a degree would pay more then what I make now)
Irish accents
Study abroad experience
Satisfy itchy feet
Something to brag about later
Will look good on a resume and something to talk about at job interviews
Reasonable prices on flights to rest of Europe
Still access American tv shows online

I'm pretty content
I'd have to quit my job and tell everyone I was moving on.
It's cold
Euro vs dollar
See family rarely
More debt to pay back
Pet Quarantine
More school (although I might not mind so much in 9 months)
Procrastinating even more on the whole marriage and kids thing

So I do have more pros then cons and when I was talking about it to Gma, she thought it was a great idea. The only thing is that I am 26 years old and I'd already had some amazing experiences living in Germany for a year and living in Wyoming for a year.

Will my 20s befilled with constant job hopping, even if the jobs are only meant to last a short time? Also, if I do this stuff, I get the feeling I'll never stay in one place long enough to meet someone, fall in love, get married, and have kids. You know? It's not something I worried about at 21, but at 26, I think about it from time to time.

I suppose there's no harm in applying to the UC Dublin program, I understand its pretty competitive, so I could be denied or waitlisted any way. Hopefully, I'll at least get the interview and an excuse to spend money I don't have flying to Dublin in April or May.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Loving your Dog to Death

I love my Luna she's the sweetest, smartest, bestest dog that ever has been in the world. She's great. Today I was at a friend's house and he cousin was there with her dog. Her dog is a portly terrier mix. He's seriously one of the most obese dog i've ever seen. He looks heavier then the largest dog on this chart and he's so small.

The dog searched and found some tootsie rolls and when my friend asked her cousin if he could have one, the cousin said yes. This dog does NOT need candy. I mean he does have health issues, he goes potty a lot and has this soft growth between his front legs. His skin is white, except his stomach near is back legs there it's almost black. He's could be big because of health matters but I rather suspect the candy his owner gives him to show her love contributes to his obesity.

This reminded me so much of a time I spent 3 weeks in Cuernavaca Mexico on a homestay and the 'mother' of the house mentioned that the vet had told herr to keep her dog to a specific diet because it was obese and she did not stick to the diet. She said she loved the dog too much to not give her the treat she was begging for.

I kinda think she'd showed her love better to take her dog on daily walks and feed her the prescribed diet. :shrugs: It makes me wonder why we humans use food to show affection. When I'm feeling stressed, I eat. Take today, I've 3 major due dates next week and I'm sitting eating Doritos and blogging the opposite of what I should be doing. But this isn't about me, it's about the poor dogs who get fed too much because their woners have some mistaken belief that the food they give their pets means love. Food is sustance. It keeps us alive and allows us all to do the thing we enjoy, but it shouldn't be the most important thing in our lives. When we find ourselves thinking about food constantly, we need to back up and wonder why. Of course, its hard to when you're honestly hungry.

Back to dogs I will brag a bit and say that Luna is the perfect weight because I feed her the recommended amount of quality food just a few treats, we play fech every day and I do take her on walks. She did get a little big a couple of months ago because my wonderful sisters were putting food out constantly for her.

Every time the bowl was empty, they would put a cup of food in. I nagged them about that and they don't do it any more. Luna actually did lose a fair bit of weight when we went on vacation and I was the only one feeding her again and we were also going on lots of walks. She hasn't gained the weight back since we've returned, so I'm assuming my sisters haven't been giving her extra food.

Anyway, the gist of this entry is that giving your dog extra food he or she doesn't need is not love. Food is not love. Many other things can be love, but as a culture, we really need to get away from food as a reward or example of love.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

All about MMU (That Mineral Makeup for the Non-Obsessers)

I love Everyday Minerals, totally HG for me. There are some problems with mineral makeup. For example, something it it can make your skin look really light in pics with a flash (that happens to me a lot). My skin is pretty combo and it usually disappears by lunch, but I just dust a little more powder on with the mmu and kabuki I keep here at work and I usually look fine. another bad thing, I never thought my skin looked particularly old until mmu highlighted some of my lines under my eyes. Errrg. All in all, I think its still worth the effort and undereye lines because this stuff looks pretty great on the skin and does not irritate my skin either.

One of the good things about mmu is its ease of application (once you learn how), and how it can really hide some imperfections. It doesn't make my pores look smaller, neither does it make them look bigger. They are there no matter what makeup I use :( But I suppose I'm used to them now. If you order something, enter the code BmmEnc until December 10 to save 10%

You know, without mmu, I'd never have thought to mix foundations to get better colors. Now, even when I get tired of mmu and wear liquid (like last week) I tend to mix them up. For example, yesterday I mixed the Cover Girl mousse-y makeup with the CG Smoothers tinted moisturizer. Creamy Natural can look really orange on me, so mixing in a lot of the tinted moisturizer makes it match my skin tone much better. And I still get a fair amount of coverage.

Today, I went mmu again after a week away and I did miss it. I got a pretty good color match by mixing EDM Fairly Light Neutral, Sunkissed Fair, and Multitasking together. They were in various finishes including Intensive, semi matte, and original glo. I like it and will proabably wear it tomorrow again, just like this. I also used the waffle cone blush over it and then blended a it more.

btw, I love the ED fan brush, it is awesome for applying mmu blush and not going overboard. I also love their flat top brush for applying foundation. Totally awesome.

On the downside, I've been using CG lash blash for about 3 weeks now, and its already flaking. :( On the bright side, the flakes are big and thus easier to remove then the smaller flakes that just set into your skin). I'm thinking on finishing up my Full and Soft that I bought while in Williamsburg when I couldn't find any CG Lash Blast. I still bought the lash blast the second I saw some at Walmart, but still.
In more makeup news, I still cannot find the matte Milani lipsticks and am somewhat bummed. I just never think to go out of my way to check out a CVS since I know Walgreens doesn't sell it.
Also, although ED is HG for me, I still ordered the new ELF mmu.

I got the starter kit #2. I'm a little worried about the lack of color selection, but I'll give it a whirl.

Also, these little tins are so cute.

I got the cherry and candy flavored ones and I know its Christmas, so I'll probably go pick some up if they're available at the Fiesta on Buckner which is the closest store that sells ELF in my area. No the closest Target is sadly ELF deprived. A sad state of affairs at the time of year.

In other news, my parents need to give my 16 year old sister a camera for Christmas, seriously. I'm getting really tired of mine disapearing into her room and ending up with 20 pictures of her posing, but she never does anything with these pics and just leaves them on my camera. Bummer, this won't happen anymore if they would just buy her a camera. Please?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cradle Robber

Well, I got asked out my a really hot guy a little while ago. I also gave him my number and he said he'd call tonight. The plan is for us to go out to the movies this Saturday night. Yay. I am happy about it, and surprised I was able to say yes. The only thing is that I reckon he's a bit younger then I am. I mentioned my sister was turning 21 and he asked how old I was. I wondered how old he was, but was afraid to ask. I reckon he's in early 20s territory. Like 21-23. I suppose I'll find out soon. I've never gone out with someone younger then me before, so this will be cool. I mean, my sisters have both had good luck cradle robbing, I feel like I've been missing out over the years :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Now for the Post-Thanksgiving Guilt Stage

The lesson at church yesterday was based on a talk in the last General Conference from Elder Dallin H Oaks. Here's a link. It really inspired me to look at my 6 month goals and see which, to me, are good, better, and best. So these are mine, does anyone else have any goals they're thinking of right now?

My 6 Month Goals: Remember Good *, Better**, Best***
From November 26, 2007 to May 26, 2008

--Lose 35 pounds***
--Take Luna on walks every day**
--Do a 5k*
--Go out to eat once a week***
--Bring lunch to work every day***
--Use all food I buy*
--Be a size 8 or 6**
--Do a workout video 2 times a week*
--Use all wellness time each week***
--Drink water constantly**
--No caffeine***
--No soda except for special occasions**

--Keep trash removed from room**
--Vacuum carpets once a week*
--Keep sewing paraphernalia organized**
--Keep up with shredding junk mail***
--Water plants each week*

--Prioritize properly*

--Go out once a week to some sort of activity (e.g. movie, museum, theater production, band, dinner)*
--Go to all YSA activities possible***
--Try harder to date*

--Daily Scripture Study***
--Be current with tithing***
--Fast when proper and do so spiritually*
--Spend more time on prayers**
--Don’t forget to bless all meals*
--Get temple recommend***
--Attend church every Sunday***
--Do monthly visiting teaching*

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Our Thanksgiving...

It's been a wonderful day and its days like this that remind me why I love my family so much. This is a picture of all of us today.

This one is just us siblings.

Today has been the first time we haveall been together in a long time, this is including random family members. There was Ann and her hubbie Tyson and their baby. There was Mary and her new husband Marc. There was Charlie and Phyllis and the two kids Sabina and Charlie IV. And there was me, my parents, and Kathrine and Susan. No one was in a bad mood, everyone contributed to cleaning and fixing up the house. We laughed non-stop. We played with the kids and talked constantly. There was something to eat to fit everyone's dietary requirements. I shared my love of sewing with Ann and Mary and discovered that Phyllis also sews, although only for the kids. I also found out that my Mom used to be pretty creative with her sewing. She actually used 3 sewing patterns to sew her wedding dress. I've never thought much about her sewing abilities because she never talks about them. Even though I talk about sewing A LOT, she never really contributes or offers advice.

Bro cooked everything and did a great job. He used Alton Brown's recipe for turkey and it was great. Wonderfully moist and flavorful. The only thing he didn't get right was Grandma's cheesy corn. It just wasn't creamy and spicy enough. And he used red bell peppers that looked good, but added a sweetness the dish didn't what will the corn.

Yes I ate a lot, but less then I could have. I'm full, but not stuffed today. We also have many leftovers this year, but I'm sure we'll finish them :) The weather also got seriously cold today and that's why we have the coats today even though we were all wearing tshirts on Tuesday. LOL.

Luna was well behaved and the kids liked playing with her at first, but I guess got bored with her, so we just put her in my room.

We went over to grandma's after the Cowboys game was over "Go Cowboys (G)". Then I got to have some a g'ma's corn and it was good. We also saw my g'pa, aunt Vivian, and two of her sons. They'd had dinner at their house earlier, but there just isn't space at their house for all of us and my aunt an all of her kids and their family and my other aunts and uncles and their families. If everyone came at the same time, there would have been 50 people in a relatively small area. It's not so bad when the weather is good and we can expand outside, but today the nip in he air would have made spending time outsde rather less fun. So by the time we got there, only my cousin John, his wife Adeena and their two kids and my other cousin Charlie(yes another one) and his wife Susan (yes another of those too). We visited for a few hours, just talking. We don't do that enough.

In more distressing news, my cousin John had to take his 2 year old little girl to the hospital for a bug bite that's got infected. The little boy also has a bite and they took him is as well, although his is better. Leatrice's has a black line running through it. This used to never happen, but the past month or so, Michael's had 4 bites and this is Lea's first one. I reckon they're going to have to do something about that. Dad and Brother Vanuelos went to the hospital to give the kids a blessing and hopefully they'll get better quickly and not get any more bug bites.

Yes, it was wonderful for all of us to get together and eat and I reckon we were a bit loud. Yes, we talk loudly and laugh loudly and did just about everything loudly. We were going to do the Karaoke Revolution.

It's been a good day, aside from the bug bites.

Here's me and Sidney.

This pic is just about the cutest one I saw. It's Charlie's Son Charlie and Ann's and Sidney.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

On Eating and Holidays

Like many, I wonder why we eat so much during holidays. I don't know about ya'll, but for me holidays can be defined somewhat by the food consumed during them. Easter has the candy, 4th of July has hot dogs and hamburgers, Thanksgiving has the turkey, Christmas the ham, and News Years the black eyed peas.
We are a food-oriented culture, and that's okay. I love food, but sometimes lack the patience to prepare it properly, and I suppose this is why we have resturants. Convenience, laziness, quickness, tastiness, and socialization all have helped the restaurant industry grow so much. It's so hard to resist those colorful signs while traveling and in the daily life. When I live close the a fast food joint and its along the way I normally drive, I am much more likely to stop there to grab a bite, or more. If, on the other hand, I rarely see the fast food, I don't really miss it and cook my own food more often. The convenience of convenience foods really has led to so many people eating them daily instead of for the occaisonal treat.

For example, since the parking issues here at Eastfield began, I've driven to one of the many local fast food places much less often. This is also because my brother used to work almost the same schedule as I did at a building less than a mile from Eastfield and sometimes I would bring him something from one of the local places since he didn't have a lunch break and so couldn't drive away to grab anything. I think he mostly ate tv dinners. I can count on my hand the number of times I've left the campus this semester for lunch because of Bro and because it now takes so long to walk out to the car and back. That's 10 minutes or so right there.

There is a subway on campus, but I try to avoid it. It's still not really healthy, although the veggies are. Also I can rarely resist making the daily special a meal by adding a soda and chips and it can cost a pretty penny. I need to practice my avoidance for these unhealthy foods.

So I've been trying to bring food in more often. It's nice, but too often what I bring in is still a convenience food like canned soup or a frozen dinner.
Once I brought in a rotisserie chicken, but for some reason it just didn't fill me up and I was ravenous eat everything in sight by the time I got off work 4 hours later. Maybe if I bring the chicken and something a little more satisfying then salad, I'll be fuller longer.

It's odd, I was reading on a blog that most women don't eat enough calories and I have to agree. I shoot for 1300-1500 a day and when I really looked at what I was eating last week on Sparkpeople, I was sitting at 1100-1200 everyday and this is with pretty much ignoring my low carb lifestyle. Even at this calorie level, I don't loose weight, so I suppose focus is necessary.
So here are some potential avoidance strategies for when I'm craving, but not really hungry and don't need anything.
  • Start sewing.
  • Start working on Nanowrimo or some other writing
  • Start homework
  • Go outside and take Luna for a walk
  • Call a friend
  • Turn on Heroes or some other distracting tv show
  • Remind myself of why I want to be healthy
  • Look at pictures of obese people online (not a nice one, I wonder hoe effective it would be)
  • Read a book

Maybe my goal should be to use these strategies for 30 minutes and if I still want it, then have it. I've heard of this before, but have not the excitment to carry it through. Maybe I will be more conscientious this time.

Short Term Goals (New Years)

  • Lose 10 pounds
  • Be smaller
  • Take Luna on a walk everyday (no matter how short or how cold it is that day)
  • Try to run a little on each walk, gradually building the walking into running
  • Get 5 fruits and veggies a day
  • Focus on reducing sodium content
  • No caffeinated beverages.
  • No sodas

Longer term goals

  • Size 8 (I think I look best at an 8 with curves in the right places, but no bulges. I've only been a size 8 twice since my freshman year of high school. Once right after I got back from Germany and was jetlagged and not eating for a couple of weeks and once after starting low carb, but when the holidays happened, my newly svelte frame became a thing of the past.)
  • Run a 5K
  • Eat a reduced sodium, no added sugar, no high fructose corn syrup diet with some fish and soy eaten every week and also lots of fiber from veggies.

Hopefully wrting all this can help me tomorrow to resist the Thankgiving Feast. To be a good feast-er, I'll have the turkey, salad, pumpkin pie, and deviled eggs. I will eat only one bite eat of the mashed potatoes, stuffing, and creamed corn and that will be it. I woulod refuse to eat these at all, but my brother is putting a lot of effort into making them, the least I can do is taste them. I only hope I can keep it to just 1 bite and not all of it.

Also, I'm thinking of sending my parents a link to a food scale. I think it would be great for us to know exactly how much food we are eating before we eat it. Wish me luck :).

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Next Sewing Project

So I finished that other dress Sunday night and last night whilst pondering Heroes(totally awesome btw) I decided to go ahead and try to finish one more dress to wear on Thanksgiving. This means I need to finish it today. Now I do have many other things I could be doing. For example, tidying up my room, cleaning the front room, cleaning the kitchen, filling the dish washer, finishing the hems on any number of dresses, sorting through my closet for summer stuff that can leave to make room for cooler weather garments, .....

This is not my pattern, but it is similar and I can't remember the number off the top of my head, so I can't search for it either.

I'm doing it with short sleeves and I'm not sure, but I may do white piping along the collar and front, or not I think it'll look classier without.

So yes, I probably don't need to try to finish another dress when I get home from work, but I will. Hopefully it won't take to long to complete. I'm making a shirtdress from an unprinted 50s Simplicity pattern. I'm not doing the zipper, and I'm sticking a circle skirt on it from one of the retro Buttericks.

I'm making it from some royal blue challis that's been waiting in my stash since last Spring. It was going to be Simplicity 3780,
but that ended up being made from a black, flowered hawaiian-esque print. This left my 6 yards of challis with no purpose :( This pattern doesn't need 6 yards, so I reckon the rest would make a glorious skirt or shirt, maybe not a shirt given challis' propensity for wrinkling. Wish my luck as I procrastinate on real work :).
BTW: My soda free thing is going pretty well. I picked up a grilled chicken saesar salad and McD and did NOT get a diet coke, instead I realized my thirst and had water. :pats back lightly: I'm a try to keep this up, but it is hard to train your brain not to expect soda at meals when you've drunk sodas with meals all your life.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Simplicity 3620

I sewed Simplicity 3620 up yesterday. It was a nice way to spend my Sunday night. I've had this slightly stipped/ribbed brown fabric wating in my stash since last Spring when I bought the last 2 yards from a clearance area sale at Jo Anns. Since then I've been searching for a way to use it, but never settling for just the one way. Yesterday, when I was looking for a fabric to go with 3620, the one leaped out at me and the pattern only called for 2.5 yards of 60 inch fabric. Now I only had 2, but I 'made it work' :) I loved the red version on the pattern envelope, but having no red fabric :( I could not completely duplicate it. I also made it using the longer length, although it is a little shorter then anticipated because I slightly ran out of fabric for one of the logner peices. I also had to worry about pattern directions because of the stripes and I think I did a good job. The sleeves and bows have horizontal stripes while the bult of the dress has vertical ones.
The whole thing is long princess seams. For some reason this dress does not look good with a belt. I though about wearing it today with brown tights and a red belt and while I am wearing the tights, the belt is elsewhere.
This dress is more 60s then I normally go for, but its also hemmed as most of my garments are not. Trade off for the huge skirt is more time spent hemming. Balance and opposition.

Another angle on the dress.

The cute little bow detail, its a little lopsided, but I've decided that just make it more charming.

I don't regret making this, its probably going to be a popular dress for me this Winter too, especially with the tights. A quick comment on the pattern. It has a ridiculous amount of ease. I cut a 16 and ended up taking in the back seam about 3 inches or so and the side seams about 2 inches and the front princess seams came in about an inches each under the bust, tapering to not in at all at the hips. That's a lot on inches, and it still isn't tight or anything. Note that some of the size problem could stem from the slight stretchiness of the fabric, butit isn't that stretchy like jersey or anything and matte jersey is listed as a possible fabric type on recommended fabrics. Anyway, I don't mide all the taking in, but it did mean the pattern took much longer to sew then I expected. Also, they don't really explain how to affix the bow and mine is a little lopsided, but only I seem to notice it. The bow is the perfect size, not small and dainty nor huge and overwhelmingly 80s.
All in all, I'm happy with it and while the sleeve gathers gave me some fits, they ended up looking sute, if a little shorter then those in the pattern illustration.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cartwheels and Feminism: Take 2

So I lied, I didn't update yesterday because I just didn't. So cartwheels are fab and feminism is a necessary evil. See the difference? Oh that I could explain...

I thought of feminism because of a comment from my Mom. When I mentioned that I wanted to sew an apron, she said snarkily, "Aren't you the little homemaker?" This was very unlike my Mom who is never snarky or sarcastic. She's a lovely woman who was a stay at home Mom until I was 13 and then she got a job shelving books at the local library. She then worked for a government subcontractor and now works for the federal government and makes more money then my Dad, who now works at the same job she does. :) I'm in such awe that they can work on the same floor and commute to work together and still love each other. But we're talking feminism and not marital love.

Mom is of another generation, she was growing up while the feminist movement was gaining momentum. Not to stereotype(but I will) the women of that generation looked down on traditional women's work. I remember a friend of my Mom who took me aside my senior year of high school and told me I could be anything. You see I've wanted to be a librarian since I was 14 and everyone knew it. Anyway, she asked me why I'd want to be a librarian when I could be a doctor or scientist. I told her that I loved libraries and that was where I wanted to work.

She didn't understand.I knew exactly what I could be. Yes, I could have studied another subject, I wasn't going into librarianship because I had no other options. I chose librarianship because it made me happy to imagine helping people find books all day and getting paid for it.

Most women of my generation know what we can be. We can do just about anything and not doing something because of gender just doesn't occur to us. Perhaps it frustrates the older generation when younger women choose to work in traditional occupations or be stay at home moms. They feel that they fought and sacraficed for us so we could do anything we wanted to and we're using that hard won freedom to be a teacher, or a stay at home mom. I see their point, but I also see that women should not feel obligated to become a high-powered professional just because others feel she should become one. Many women want this and that is their choice. I'm happy with mine and with my 'homemaker' tendancies.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

On Feminism and Cartwheels Part 1

I couldn't resist the title when it occured to me this morning after doing some cartwheels for the first time in MANY years. I suppose it was all that blood going to me head. Do cartwheels and feminism relate except in my head. The one is a childish past-time that somehow becomes unexceptional as an adult.

You do cartwheels for fun as a child. But when you grow into adulthood excercise is no longer supposed to be fun. It's a harsh, demanding time that you sffer through so you can look younger, more attractive, and be healthier. Ever heard the expression "no pain no gain" or "suffer though the pain, its better on the other side"? I sometimes wonder if we should push ourselves to do things like eliptical machines and treadmills that are boring and not fun simply because they are supposed to be good for us. Isn't it better to run outside if possible? But is running really necessary in any case? Some people love running. I like it well enough.

I've experienced the high endorphines from running and the sudden burst of energy to do more and the fun from just running through everything. But I don't force myself to run and maybe I should start. Running burns a heapload of calories, increases cardiovascular health, and can feel good. Sometimes motivation is the issues, sometimes you are embarrased to just run.

Have any of you ever felt the urge to just run, for no reason and you aren't dressed for it (maybe you're wearing high heels or something)? Have you just felt like running and said to yourself, "no everyone will stare at me, besides I'll be out of breath when I get to whereever I'm going."

Well kids run when they feel like it and jump and carry on. I envy children their lack of self-consciousness and ability to let loose and have fun with everything. Today I felt the urge to cart wheel after taking Luna on her walk and I did it and it was fun and now I want to do it some more. Let's all try to be more spontaneous with fitness. :)

BTW: Feminism to tomorrow 'cause the post is already a bit long.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another Day, Another Attempt at Procrastination

So I've homework to do and would much rather post here. SO much more fun than descriptive statistics, although that does have to get done today, or else.

Found some pics of the extras at the set of the new Star Trek movie. Awesome that so many of us get excited to see thyat little bit of the movie.

Heroes last night rocked. I felt so bad for DL, but I'm happy to finally have some closure on the Niki/Jessica thing and the DL thing. If Niki dies soon, then I can except it because we've now seen that her powers have caused the destruction. You know what seeig Niki all drugged up reminded me of, the story Ivanova told Sheridan in B5 about her mom and the Psi Corps drugs. Same sort of thing and if the special people came out into the open as Adam wants, then (leaving off the possible plague future) the company can become a more obvious Psi Corps. Would the special people get cool uniforms to wear too? And be forced to wear gloves? If so, then its time to give Strazinski so dinero cause 'them is his ideas'.

Elle is certainly a peice of work. Love her or hate her, she definitely steals the scenes (except with teh shirtless Peter).

Some questions from me...

Whose side is the Hatian on now anyway?

At least we finally know why Nathan sees himself in a mirror like that. Not nearly as cool as being possessed by Peter though. Does Mam Petrelli have the power of persuasion like Eden? Will Peter save his GF?

Will Mohinder kill HRG? Will Mo-hotness ever get a brain to go with his genetics degree? Will he never stop believing whoever the last person to persuade him is?

Is Sylar still under the influence of those drugs Candince gave him? When will he figure out he can steal abilities again? (If he is drugged from the company) I predict it won't be long now before Sylar kill the twins, or at least Alejandro if he needs Maya to be his sidekick (every supervillan needs some lackeys after all). This is because Peter now has his memory and powers and I wonder if Sylar mirrors him? Hmmm. Ideas now.

On the health and fitness front, I've decided to make several of my own dishes for the family Thanksgiving since my bro was unwilling to change his precious recipes to make me happy. Oh bother. I'll eat the same turkey and salad and deviled eggs as everyone else, but my own mashed cauliflower, LC Green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie. More leftovers for me. I suppose by doing this and making sure I walk with my sisters afterward, I can avoid the Thanksgiving bloat. Or not.

I've been trying to drink less sodas since I got back from Williamsburg. It was supposed to be a soda free vacation, but ended up being a last hurrah. lol. Also, Dad told me about a statement from the Prophet that finally cleared up the caffeinated beverage conundrum, so no caffeinated beerages for me. :| It's okay, if a little hard. I forgot on yesterday and bought a small diet Dr. Pepper with vanilla added from Sonic (love their drinks if not their menu) and I turned a corner and it spilled all over the floorboards. Usually I can pick it up and only a little comes out the top, but it this case the cup must have hit something, because there was a huge hole in the side and it was seriously spilling out. Then I remembered I was supposed to be avoided caffeinated stuff and was grateful it happened. It's still been hard to motivate myself to drink water to replace the soda I was drinking. Sometimes I feel like if I can't have soda, I don't want anything (sticks out bottom lip) and other times I don't even think about it.

I wonder if I'm a bit crabbier in this post- soda world. I actually got a post flagged at the TWOP forums because I yawned and shrugged in my posting. Seriously, actually I wonder if that's more a reflection on TWOP moderators then me. My posting was counter the current feeling on the board and I yawned, called an actor an idiot, then shrugged. Yes, the moderator told me my yawning and shurgging was rude and that's why my comment was flagged, not because it ran counter to the group lovefest with that particular actor. In a way it is seriously cool, I've never posted anything that was controversial enough to get flagged before. Awesome.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Some different and sort of healthy recipes

So I love to rush, pell-mell into things. I love to try new things and discover new things and places and can be eaily bored. Just like a character in my story (no not the MC). Last night I made naan bread, sort of. I used a mixture of whole wheat and soy flour and fried it rather then grilling. Oh, and I couldn't find my pre-minced garlic that I buy in that huge jar from Wal Mart. :( Anyway, so here's my naan recipes, although its not to similar to naan and I think of it more as just a fried bread recipe.

Healthier Naan
1 packet of Dry Active Yeast
3 tablespoons of milk
3 eggs(beaten
1/4 cup of white sugar
1 cup of hot-warm water
1 cup of soy flour
1 cup of whole wheat flour
3 tsp of salt

1.So I mixed the yeast, the water, and the sugar up and let it get all bubbly and added the milk and eggs and mixed so more

2.then added the soy flour, mixed it up

3. then added the salt and whole wheat flour and kept mixing, it was still really wet, so I added more soy and wheat. I tried to keep it just about half and half.

4.Then I put flour on the counter top and covered my hands with olive oil and started working it and just kept kneading it and putting more olive oil on my hand as it disappeared into the bread.

5.Then I turned on the oven and the overhead light and covered it with a warm, wet, paper towel and let it sit for an hour or so.

6. When it had doubled in size, I punched it down, covered it with a fresh warm towel, and then left it more half an hour or so more.

7. Then I started taking handfuls and smoothing it into a rough circle shape and making it thing and placing it on a floured tray that soon ran out of space and was replaced with another tray.

8. Then get out a skillet and turn the heat to medium (too high and you get wonderful blackmarks) and put enough olive oil in the pan to cover the bottom thinly and let it heat up. Then I sprinkled garlic salt on it since I'd no garlic :(

9. When the pan is ready, put the first peice of bread into it and let it cook for a couple of minutes each side.

It came out really tasty, but not as bubbly as the naan from the store. Still flavorful and white flour free, so A+ for effort. I was going to eat the naan with some Chicken Tikka Masala, but the only chicken bre4ast I could find was bone in :( so I simply marinaded the bone in chicken breast in the typical yogurt-spice marinade overnight and it came out looked and smelling very nice, so I stuck them in the oven cause I didn't feel like cleaning off the grill and using that. I cooked them at 425 for 35 minutes and they still needed time, but I needed work so I hope my Dad will take the out of the oven when the timer goes off. He also promised to plates them and cover them with press and seal wrap after they cool off a bit. I didn't end up making the tomato cream sauce, so right now it simply yogurt marinaded chicken, but maybe I'll add the sauce today if I feel like cooking upon entry to my home.

I also made some Pumpkin cheesecake.

1 8 oz package of cream cheese
1/2 8 oz package of neauchatel cream cheese
1/2 8 oz package of fat free cream cheese
1 cup of fat free sour cream
2 tablespoons heavy cream
1 cup pumpkin
1 tsp vanilla
as much pumpkin pie spice as you like
1 egg
2 egg yolks
2/3 cup splenda

1. So I left the cream cheese out on the counter for an hour while workin on the naan and chicken and other things. Then I put it into a plastic bowl and nuked it for 30 sec. Preheat the oven to 325

2. Then I added the vanilla and splenda, and pumpkin pie spice and mixed until smooth.

3. Then I added the eggs and mixed until smooth and integrated.

4. Then came the pumpkin which (you guessed it) I mized until smooth and integrated.

5. Then came the sour cream and havy cream. and mixing.

7. I sprayed a small casserole dish with butter flavored cooking spray and poured the mix into it.

8. Put into oven and cook for 1 hour or until the fork comes out clean from the center.

Now it did crack on me, but as this dessert is FOR me, I don't care about it, but you may. I used all these low fat things because that's what was in the frindge and my full fat alternatives disappear. Yes, my parents buy the low fat stuff, but tehy don't want to use it and use my stuff instead, oh bugger bear.

So this is what I did yesterday and today, not particularly productive, but hopefully I'll do better in the future. And that dress I'm working on has languished on the end of my bed all weekedn, so close to being completed and yet so far. It's a good thing I'm used to curling up so there's space on my twin sized bed for me, my computer (not too often), Luna, and unfinished sewing projects and unopened mail.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

McCalls 5314 and Other Musings

(note: I am completely makeup and hair brush free in these pics because I took them late at night, right after finishing the dress)

I noticed McCalls 5314 in the catalog at one of the .99 pattern sales and Hancocks was out :( and I wasn't about to pay full price for it, so I waited for the next sale and all they had was the smaller 8-12 version so I let it go and waited for the next sale and still they only had the smaller one available, so I went ahead and bought the smaller one, resolving to grade it up to a 14, not too difficult, but then I forgot about those intentions and just made it in a straight 12.

Not the worst idea I've ever had because it does fit, I just wish the sleeves were a little looser because they do feel tight even if they aren't really tight.

I'd intended this dress to be a muslin for one I would make out of the gorgeous teal polka dot silky fabirc I picked up off the 50% off rack at Hancocks, but never have got around to making it up in the teal polka dots. It was supposed to be my special dress for my vacation and just didn't happen what with preparing for the trip and school and my car troubles.

Now on to the actual construction, I used a $1 Walmart blue, scratchy, mystery fabric (its probably polyester). I love the color and always will; navy is awesome.

I made this up a month ago and nothing stands out as having been particularly difficult, oh wait, the sleeves wouldn't set right and I ended up adding more gathering so they would fit where they were supposed to, or at least, I think that's what I did. Does any pattern ever have sleeves that fit into the arm scythe? Because I've yet to find one that doesn't need finagleing. I also wish I could wear it without the camisole underneath, but this is often a broblem with wrap tops, they like to be low to get that true wrap thing going. Bummer. So here's a couple more photos of the finished product.

Now this dress is nice and I'm working on another wrap dress from a 40s pattern that will not have a neckline issue given that it goes really high and is a different sort of wrap style from this one and it will also be contracted from $1 Walmart fabric. I got there right after the latest shipment and it had 2 cotton prints that I loved and bough 5 yards f each. 5 yards is my default if I have no idea what it will become and its cheap. Sometimes if I super love the fabric and if it can be used for multiple items, I'll get more, but 5 yards is usually my limit. Oh yeah, I got a dark blue cotton with medium sized white flowers and a green cotton with small white flowers on it. Both fabrics should make for good spring dresses in a few months. In the meantime, the blue is becoming a wrap dress suitable for the spring.

In other news, the family and I went to Cracker Barrel yesterday, it wasn't as bad as I remember, but it still isn't good food(to me). The mashed potatoes have an odd after taste (no I didn't get them, my sister did and I stole a bite from her) and the collard greens were pretty inedible. I ate a few bites and couldn't finish them. I think they were cooked with beef and there was as much beef as the greens and not a savory beef either, but a stringy salty beef. Even my Dad (who loves this restaurant), couldn't eat them. On the other hand, the steak (my order) was tasty if way rare. I usually get medium rare, but this thimg was red and bloody, but I ate it anyway and it was still awfully tasty. The green beans weren't bad, a little muchy, but not bad. All in all, I don't reckon I'll give C.B. another chance. This is the second time I've gone there and had substandard food, on the other hand, the service was great and the salad was fresh and they gave us the dressing on the side without us having to ask for it.

Also, while we were at C.B. one of the waters was in their gift shop area getting something sorted out and spoke to me, man he was hot. He asked if I worked at Eastfield and we talked for a few moments Cute, but young, probably thought of me like one of his professors. I coul also be misinterpreting his coming up to me and talking to me, probably just friendliness and not flirting or anything. After a couple of moments, the people at the desk got his attention and then we had to go so sayonara nice, attractive, young man. :shrugs: I'm so bad with guys, its not even funny.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Starting Nanowrimo just a TAD bit late...

So I've been meaning to start my Nanowrimo novel for the year and have yet to start. I decided what the story would be about last month, but have kept procrastinating on starting it. Well, its 8 days in alwready so I'm mondo behind and still ahve plenty of other thuings to do, but I was inspired today and have finished planning it out (yet I'm a planner versus and fly by the seat of the pants writer) and now I like my characters and see how they relate and am actually anxious to get home and get started. This is what I will be doing instead of homework tonight. G

So what is my story you may ask and I will answer. While usually go for weird post-apocolyptic stories, this year its more in the tradition of the hero journey in fantasy. It's hopfully going to be a little but kooky, a little funny, and a lot interesting.

My M.C. is named Raina and she is content to be an apprentice to a great magician rather than striking out on her own and her fairy godmother keeps sending traditional fairy tale cliches her way to help her begin her own story and Raina stubbornly refuses to be baited and stays where she is, sending others in her place. So this is how it starts and there's a lot more to it.

My MEC(Main Evil Character) is an evil sorcerous who locks people into nightmares from which there is no rescue if they annoy her or if she feels like practicing it. I stole this idea from Heroes last week, although the character with that ability on the show ended up easily defeated for now. My MEC will be made of sterner stuff.

I'll keep ya'll updated on it, whether you want to be updated or not. :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back from Vacation

So I enjoyed Williamsburg last week. I didn't do much, but I enjoyed that :). Luna also enjoyed it, now I would have tqaken pictures, but I had gremlins in my camera and they are seriously strange because they left when I returned to Dallas. Go figure.
Luna and I went to the Dog park nearly every day and shy really seemed to enjoy frolicking with the other dogs. The DP in Dallas is more than 30 minutes away so I try to take her there at least once a month, but not eery day. We're going this Friday since I heard of a good resturant here in Dallas that allows the dogs on the patio and is open for lunch.

Sewed a shirt today, it was Vogue 2859 from the Vintage Vogue collection.

I love the front collar and the back wrap parts of the pattern. Here's my version which for future incarnation will necesitate about 4 inches added to the bottom, I knew it would be short, but this is mondo

And this is the back...

Closer look at the collar and the ruin it was for me :( I'm going to get it right next time.

Well, I decided that to make the shirt more wearable, I needed to get rid of the collar as it just isn't working and tada, the result.

I do like this shirt in an 80s aerobics/ballet sort of way. I think it looks great with a pair a black, high waisted workout pants. Due to its length, I seem to be worrying a lot about keeping my waistlline covered today at work and I'm much rather have another obsession.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bought a couple of patterns at the thrift store

One of the local thrift stores, the Balch Springs Thrift Store, sells sewing patterns for $.65 Not a great price, and most of their stock is unwearably 80s, but I found a couple of keepers.
I picked up Simplicity 9360. This pattern was published by Simplicity for its 60th anniversary back in the 80s. I suppose if they're celebrating their 80th this year then this was published 20 years ago. I'm not obsessing. I really like the second one with the capetlet. I'd really like it best, I think, without the white park on there. Let period, but cuter. It would make it much less modest. I'm also not fond of the skirt length, that would not look flattering on my figure. That said, there's something about it I like. Also I found the smaller version and its uncut so I'm going to have to size up the biggest size, a 12, to a 14/16. I love the little dog though and I so want to take Luna walking while wearing something as stylized as this. This pic came from Old Patterns who have the bigger sized one available.

As my camera is still missing, I cannot post a pic of my next pattern since I cannot find a copy online. It's Kwik Sew 872. I've never sewed Kwik Sew before. Its uncut as far as I could tell and contains S, M, L, and XL. I think I'll make the Medium. So it was published in 1977 and a robe pattern. It's kinda a caftan. I think it'll be a nice reimagining of the summer maxi dress for Fall. The following pic is sort of a looser version from John Leaonard, some sort of clothing company I guess. I'm going for a much more fitted style and something like a v neck.

I'm a little nervous about the Kwik Sew pattern since its printed on white, almost completely opaque pattern versus the browner tissue paper. Strange.

Monday, October 22, 2007

New Car Fever

Is anyone else feeling car crazy. I know I don't need a new car. My current vehicle is fine. I don't owe any money on it. It gets decent gas milage. It looks attractive (better when I actually wash it lol). It is dependable. All this is great, but suddenly I want a mini cooper convertible. There's no rhyme or reason to it, but the more I think about it, the more I justify it in my head. I really need some other distraction to get me away from this...

Oh well, in other news, I go on vacation on Friday and I'm mostly looking forward to it. We'll see how it goes. I was going to try to finish all my homework this week, but it just isn't practical given some of the stuff doesn't even open until this weekend or next week. I suppose I can work on all I can and worry about the rest next week. I will have dial up Internet in the room and wifi in the clubhouse. I really wish the rooms had wifi since I've no idea how well the dial up will do, I haven't used dial up in so long. Does this mean I have to find a provider for use in the room? That doesn't make much sense but we'll see, I may end up spending a lot of time in the club house. Within reason that is.

Ate some really bad for me stuff. It was nice. For example, I had a corny dog last night and the night before. I keep telling myself not to and then when I get hungry, whoosh to the icebax/fridge and eating whatever's there. We also had to finish Kat's b-day cake since high school girls weren't really interested in eating it when Kat offered between classes and I think she forgot it at lunch. Mhhmmm chocolate cake.

Heroes tonight, totally siked, let's see what will happen next week. Also Scrubs returns this week. That's what I spent a lot of time this past weekend working on, watching episodes of the Office and Scrubs. Why do I do this so I'm against a wall when assignments are actually due?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

More Ruminations

So I haven't posted this week. So sorry; I haven't really done much to post about. This week, I've done some homework and thought about seewing, but nothing has really happened, so I must be more proactive. Or something. I think I'll pick up some groceries on my way home to make for dinner, then get hard to wrok on my homework on arriving at home and try to knock out Draft 3 this weekend. I can do it!!!

I got my cafepress shirts in last week. I noticed I hadn't mentioned them here, so yes I design my own shirts on cafepress. It really is a lot of fun. I bought three shirts with wwii posts on them that are really cute. I bought this one in a black and medium that is so big, but I love the picture on it so muc, I reckon I'll still wear it. Anyone know how to shrink a tee? I would post pictures of the posters, but cannot given so new and wonderful glitch with blogger :(

Here's some links: Channeling my inner and outer librarian ;)
There was one more, but the image escapes me at the moment.

Now other then the too big medium, the shirts are nicely constructed and not see through, although the jrs ringer tee is close. The images also look a little strange at the height on my shirt, they see really high up, but this is not something you can change with cafepress. :sigh: It just stretches a little at my chest, but I still like them and they are exactly what I wanted. I do love those wwii posters, such fun.

Friday, October 12, 2007

So Al Gore gets the Nobel Prize, yawn...

Hmmmm, does anyone know who got it last year? Who will remember his getting it in 100 years. I mean, I'm being cereal here. I also mention this in my blog because of the people who say that this is great for Gore and it yadayadaya. ROTFL. Which prize did he even win? I's not worht the energy of researching it, or reading the articles. I just see the headlilnes and its enough for me. Where's that manbearpig? Yes, that's the only episode Southpark I even saw and it was funny. Alright, that's enough for today.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gotta a Date for the Fair so the schedule's gonna change...

So, I've got a date for tomorrow, we're going to plan to meet up around noon to go to the Tx State Fair. Such fun, I've never gone with a date before. This means I need to finish the dress tonight. So the new plan is to go by Walmart and pick up those things, then go home and cut my tomorrow dress out and finish it and Dad's shirt tonight.
Then tomorrow morning, I'll take Luna for her walk and my sis to Gma and clean the house with the other one. Then stop around 10:30 to take a shower and prepare to leave. The dress really shouldn't take more than 2 hours to complete since its simple, and doesn't need a hems since its so long. I will make it a couple inches shorter to be more Fair friendly.

Yay, it's almost like I've got a social life. A date during the day and a church dance tomorrow night. I've also somehow invited him to dinner with the family tomorrow night. I told him I'd agreed to make dinner to welcome my sister to town since another one is getting married at Sat and he said it sounded like fun and I said I'd invite him, but he'd probably be uncomfortable since he didn't know anyone and he said he wouldn't. I know, hmmm, but he's sweet and we'll see. That's a lot of hours for a first day. The last first date I went on lasted about 3 hours and by the end I was seriously ready to see the back of his head, but no negative thoughts, at all.

Projects, Projects, Projects???

So my medieval gown from Mccalls 4889 is pretty much done. All it needs is something for the girdle, I'm to check thrifts stores for metal belts tomorrow and if that fails, I'll pick up tapestry trim at Hancocks. Also, Dad's shirt's cut out and needs to be sewn tonight and I need to finish the kilt tonight so he car try it on tomorrow and we can make modification and settle the final stylings. I also want to cut out a maxi dress tonight, but it may wait until tomorrow. You know ya'll, it really helps me to write out my plans so I can see an end to them.
Also for tonight: after work of necessity
--Hang up clothes
--Take Luna on walk

--Put laundry in wash
--take out trash from my room and bathroom
--finish Dad's shirt and kilt and sash
--cut out maxi dress
--be asleep by 1 am

For tomorrow
--Take Luna for walk hopefully at 8:00
--Take Sus to Gma
--Go by thrift stores for belt
--Go by Hancocks for tapestry trim if nothing comes up

--Go by Walmart for carpet shampooer and look at fabrics and get plastic organizers for surplus fabric and pick up living plants for my room, oh and fresh flowers for kitchen, front room, kat's room, entry way, and living room.

--lunch time

--Pick up excess in my room and hallways and front room and parent's room and shampoo all carpets with Luna in the back yard, get more potent bathroom cleaners and groceries for Ann's dinner and cake
--Clean kitchen, dishes, counters, fridge, etc
--Clean bathroom: glass, floors, empty or near empty bottles, toilet, sink, shower
--shred pappers that clutter the room
--pick up Susan
--movie furniture back
--bake cake
--Take shower
--welcome A
--Make dinner

--Get ready for the Costume Dance at 9, A gets to help with the hair :) Must leave house by 8:45
--sleep (celebrate!!!)

Now that my schedule for tomorrow is relayed, yeah right. Thankfully most of the cleaning is done, I'll just finish it up tomorrow. So tomorrow is a costume dance, I mightn't to go but for my newly completed costume. As a solemn wallflower, I'll not have to worry about dancing and this is good since this costume is HEAVY, man, seriously.
I have many workout videos and I want to do one tomorrow, but between walking Luna, shopping, and cleaning, I suppose I'll have enough of a workout, right? Also ot, I need to look through the clothes I've sewn and finsih them, seriously its crazy. Also I found some great fall fabric I bought during the Springs sales last year that is just so pretty and I need to perfect pattern for it. Also should it come with me on vacation. I have some flannel plaid that I also need to find a great purpose for. I really need to stop buying fabric, but its such fun and the parents gave me a gc for Jo Anns and I've just got to use it, right? Of course, I do want to sew another maxi dress to where to the state fair. I'm think empire waist and kimono sleeves and long. Its to be a mixture of Simplicity 3918 and Simplicity 4577 or Mccalls 4889

Need to use the workout videos more often, seriously.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Busy Week

So I cut out Dad's kilt last night and cut out the fabric today. I also cut out the fabric for my dress today and have just got it mostly sewn. It's Mccalls 4889 in a dark blue stretch velvet and its really pretty if I say so myself. I sewed it once before for the Harry Potter Midnight Party back in July. After the party, I cut down the dress to wear normally and have yet to hem it, darn. The other version is from a green cotton with white spark on it. Very witchy, although this one is probably more so. I did abandon the idea of a Rennaissance Gown simply because I don't have the time to complete it by Saturday. I still have to sew Dad's kilt and shirt and get the housee cleaned up for AB and Sidzilla. Since he's a crawling baby, I need to shampoo the carpets Friday morning, so everything has to be ready to go on Thursday and I really want to finish Butterick 4919. I could, I really could, or maybe not. It's so pretty and I want to channel the musical State Fair, some was filmed in Dallas after all.

I used Crunch Burn and Firm Pilates today and felt the burn. I could finish 25 minutes and sat out the last 15 with Luna. There are a lot of squats and lower body work in that video and I like that, but have not the muscles at this time to complete it. On the plus side, I did take Luna on a walk.

My contacts are bothering me, so I'm to be a 4eyes tomorrow ;) I've also got to get the oil changed in my car. It's 300 miles over.

Also to do tomorrow is finish Dad's Kilt and cut out Dad's shirt. And attach my sleeves and hem the sleeves, but not the skirt cause I'm just going to cut the bottom of anyway, maybe I should wait until after halloween. There may be enough scraps let to dress up Luna as a matching medival princess for Halloween. Yes, I never thought I would be this sort of owner, but I am. :shrugs: Que sera sera.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Little Sisters

Why do we still allow little sisters to bother us, even when we're grown? We went out to my birthday lunch and my sisters would not stop teasing me, which is okay, but then they started laughing as though about me and it just really started getting on my nerves. It was so hard not to try to pinch Kat so hard she got a bruise. I restrained myself and simply did not speak to her for the lunch. The thing is that is completely ruined MY birthday lunch. After this happened in the car, I'd didn't particularly want to talk to anyone in my family. I just wanted to go home and grab something to eat on the way home. We went to Ryans and it was okay, KI tried to sit as far away from people as I could, but the parents did insist on sitting beside me since it was all for me. Thankfully they noticed I was not in a talking mood and talked amoungst themselves and to my sisters. I just did not feel like talking after the whole car thing. I tried several ways to get us to leave, or to allow me to go home, but got guilted into staying. Bother, why do I let her bother me? I haven't really spoken to her again, for no reason, I'm not mad anymore, I just don't want to be around her. I'm tempted to remove my makeup from the bathroom and see how she enjoys going to school without much makeup for once, it would be good for her anyway, she's only 15 and has good skin and certainly does not need foundation. I'll also not keenm right now to let her drive my car. I mean, if she's going to call me names, then I'm not going to go through the stress of watching after a new driver. Let her drive with the parents.

You know what? I think this happened because we went out to eat on Sunday, we were all tense, it was horridly busy at Ryans and the food was sub-par, yet still expensive. Yeah, we shouldn't go out to eat on Sundays...

In other news, Mary's wedding is Saturday night and I've still got to sew Dad's shirt and kilt. The plan it to cut out the pattern tonight and cut out the fabric tomorrow and sew it tomorrow night. I've still got to work on mine as well and I've got 3 different fabrics and new patterns to choose from. Should I use the medieval or the rennaissance? Who knows.

Today was Columbus Day and when I stopped by the post office, there was no one there. It was quite sad. I was supposed to send off a couple of things, but I suppose they can wait until tomorrow.

Heroes tonight, totally siked. I usually talk to Sue about theories after I watch it, but have no real desire to talk to her right now so we'll see what theories I develop on my own. Now if she offers to help me sew Dad's costume, maybe we'll be okay again, or now.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Happy Birthday to me.....

So yesterday was my birthday and I got soem cards, some calls, and my nephew got to win the diaper derby. He is the cutest little baby boy, like ever. We drove down to Winnie, TX and had some fun at the Texas Rice Festival, which happens to be this weekend, the same weekend as Seagofest. My sister is really jonesed about Seagofest, if she had to miss it, she would not have wanted to go to Winnie. Thankfully, she just missed the Friday festivities. The parade happened right a we were leaving town onWednesday, but she would have missed out on it anyway. We saw some young girls, couldn't have been more than 16, walking up the service road yesterday at midnight (when we were arriving back home).

I wonder what brilliant parents allowed their young teenage girls to walk home from Seagofest at midnight. Contrary to popular belief, Seagoville is not the country, its a suburb of Dallas and has a crime rate similar to Dallas. It's not safe for those girls to have been walking home, who knew how far, from Seagofest. Maybe the parents were at a bar and couldn't be bothered to leave that early to take their daughters home. shakes head. It's not any of my business, butt it's like when I saw a sweet little lab mix on the side of the freeway in Houston. I just knew that dog would be hit by a car and I felt responsible, but I also knew that the dog would probably not come to me, and the place was at a blind curve, so no one coming around would see me stopped and I did not want to be hit, even for a dog with sweet eyes. Ooh, Guilt, I hope the dog found his way away from the highway and to his home. I just imagined Luna getting lost and ending up in the median of a highway and think how scared she would be and how sad I would be if she got run over.

Okay, in other news. I told my sister my philosophy on idiot drivers, that they're all suffering from an incurable illness and so we should not mind that we got cut off because that person probably has ebola and will die a horrible death. She laughed, not knowing I was serious. :shrugs: It does make it easier to be behind someone going 45 in a 70 to imagine them dying in horribly painful ways. I'm thinking blood and massive pus filled blisters.

Still not done with the projject for SLIS 5200, but I'll finish by Monday morning, I have to. The next one is due the same week as my vacation, bummer that so I'll try to finish it the week before. I've also got a midterm for 5080 that week and the prof says its okay for me to take it a week early. I guess I get to enjoy my week rather then doing a lot of homework.

I bought some new fabric for a dress for Mary's wedding. Previosly I'd picked up a washed out pale, greeny gray fabric with a little texture, but I picked up a blue velvet yesterday sine it was half off clearance fabric at Jo Anns this weekend. I also picked up some denim to make a skirt and some dark blue, almost denim type fabric for whatever. I really need to focus on home work, then I can sew this weekend. This weekend is also General Conference, so I will probably listen to it while sewing stuff when I get a chance this weekend.

Date today, wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Doggie Bike Rack for Williamsburg

The more I think about it, the more I want to bicycle around Williamsburg and the more I do want to take Luna with me, but worry about her behavior on the leash. So I'm buying this off ebay INSTEP QUICK N EZ BICYCLE TRAILER QE100 BK1351. This way Luna can come with me and we can walk on either end, but she doesn't have to run beside me unless she wants to. Also, this means I can give it to A if I get tired of it. She asked me about a baby bike trailer and this one would probably work for her, except I think its in sorry condition for a baby, but perfect for a dog. I've gone ahead and bought a harness too for when she's in the car and I think I'll bring her wire crate with me. This is to be such fun. :)