Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In Korea now!

So, I've been in Korea for a few days now. I'm still kinda jetlagged and tired and out of it, but thankfully won't need to teach until next week. This gives me a few days to prepare and get siked for it. I will update again later. Luna is doing okay too:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mod a Sewing Machine

Well, I thought I could go a year without sewing, then I rethought that and decided to pick up a small sewing machine at the stores and use that. I was inspired by some blog wherein the user posted pics of fabrics at a Korean market. Awesome. So I'm taking a Janome Sew Mini with me. With taxes it was $56, a little more than I wanted to pay, but it got good reviews, is small, but not too small, is also pretty light, hopefully not too light. Hmmm. So this is a pretty cheap machine and I am inspired to mod it up. I'll take a page from the gamers handbook and turn it out as much as possible. Here's what it looks like right now:

I'm going to spray paint it either pink, blue, or green. Actually blue would be best because I'm going for a blue theme in my apartment. So the plan is to sandpaper the exterior (after making sure it works obviously) and then put tape on pic of the stitches and the dials odds and ends and stuff and side thingamabobber. Then give it a brief layer of spray paint and let that dry for a couple of hours before giving it another coat. I may apply the paint around the stitch numbers with a paintbrush. Or I could just cover them up and keep the manual. Actually I like that Idea and after the machine is blue, I will use acryllic paints to paint some flowers on it. Maybe I should look at stencils or something. Hmmm. This machine is gonna look so awesome, I'm not going to want to give it up when I get back and upgrade. lol. Here's an inspiration from inspireco.com that is pretty inspiring. I love the colors, but the other painting will be different on mine. No words, just images of flowers in a darker blue and white. Hmmm. VISION.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

More Future Plans?

Well, as a planner, I like to think about things. I may be unusual for a planner in that I don't really care if I follow that plan. I just think planning is fun. Sometimes my favorite part of sewing is finding the pattern and fabric and cutting them out. This is long before the actual sewing starts.

Okay so after my Year In Korea (shall I abbreviate, YIK?) I get back to the US and start looking for a job. Sings to self.

I'd like to make a list of the places I'll be looking for library jobs in. These are all places I've been to or always wanted to see.

  • San Antonio
  • El Paso
  • Albuquerque
  • Salt Lake City
  • Casper, WY
  • Cody, WY
  • Oklahoma City
  • Dallas
  • Pocohantas
  • Athens, TX
  • Lufkin, TX
  • Midland, TX
  • Jasper, TX
  • White Plains, NM
  • Williamsberg, Va

Now what am I looking for in my next domestic abode?

  • Small town feel
  • Culture is some supply, but constant stuff not necessary
  • Hot most of the year
  • In Texas always preferable
  • Lots of YSM nearby ;)
  • Librarian job available
  • Something historical nearby
  • Decent price for houses

Thats all I can think of for now. This leaves San Antonio as the town I'll probably move to if I can find a job. Now after I get back, I want to buy a Mini Cooper Convertible and put a down payment down on a house. I suppose this means that on my return to the US I'll become a real adult with responsibities and stuff. Now this does necessitate my finding a job that pays more than $40,000 a year. I'll probably look for some position in the academic librarianship field. There are several colleges and universities in San Antonio and there's also the public schools. Anyway, also, after I return I don't want to gom straight to work. I want to take a road trip. Hmmm, I may want to negotiate with my school to stay an additional 3 or 4 months if I really like it so I can return in May or June and really enjoy my new car and there'll probably be more jobs available in the universities at this time as they hire for the following school year. Hmm. As I said, I love the plan even if none of my planning comes to any fruition.

Now It's Officially Time to Campaign for Mickey

Okay, sow that Mitt has stepped back from his bid for the Presidency, its time to seriously begin campaigning for our favorite and beloved cartoon character Mickey Mouse. I mean he has erverything we need in a President.

Hmmm, I'm going to have to give this more thought. All I can think is how cool it would be for Mickey Mouse to win and how that would be the ultimate sign of voter disenfranchisement with the current 2 party political system so many deny. Awesome.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Maybe I should just vote for Mickey Mouse...

Hmmm, so I have to pay attention to the primaries for work (I'm putting together a display on each of the candidates and their views so I noticed the current standings for the candidates). Well, the dems are out for me because I have a brain and use it for thinking. This leaves McCain, Romney, and Huckabee. Now aside from how much fun it would be to talk about a President Huckabee (just say it out loud if you doubt me), I'm a Romney girl. Now McCain has 700 delegates right now, but its certainly not over, he barely beat Romney in several of those states, so I say Romney is still in the game.

But lets look at a worst case scenario: McCain vs. Clinton. Oh gag me with a spoon. Could it get much worse then that? Those are the sort of candidates that inspire me to vote Mickey Mouse. It would be an interesting point about American culture if Mickey Mouse actually won a state. It doesn't have to be a big one, just Alaska or Wyoming would do. lol

Hmmm, so seriously in a battle between McCain and Clinton I might not vote Mickey, but I might find some independant. It may be wasting my vote, but at least I'll have voted so I can complain about whoever wins to my heart's content. I kinda miss complaining about politics from the Clinton days. Then it was a wnderful pastime for me and my friends. Now I've been reasonably happy with the leadership of America for 8 years and its going to be so weird to listen to talk radio all the time and complain and whine about the state of the country. I'm kinda looking forward to it I must say, but think positive. I'm going to still support Mitt until the bitter end. :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Goodbye President Hinckley

Pres. Hinckley passed away last Sunday. He was a wonderful leader of the church:) and i will miss him.

More dental work and prep stuff...

So I went in to the dentist today and got some fillings and preparation for a veneer that will be hopefully placed on February 18, that's right, 2 days before I leave, but that should work out perfectly because I need to get rid of stuff and the goodwill store is only a couple of streets from the dentist. So, the temporary veneer is awesome, my 2 front teeth are even for the first time, like, ever. My mouth is still a bit numb, but I suppose that's to be expected and it will probably be sore after the numbness wears off, so the numbness musn't leave too soon. I wonder if I had a reaction to the anastetic though. After they did the shots,

Okay, also I picked up a few boxes from Walgreens and work, but still need more since I want to send 4 boxes of stuff to Korea and also leave some here and the boxes I've got are a bit woebegone after 3 moves. When I get back, I SO have to get a real place that I can take all my stuff to and be an adult in. Seriously, after the shot, I felt like I was shivering, but wasn't and wasn't cold either. It was weird, but went away as the drilling went on.

So, I'm also a bit hungry, but a numb mouth sort of limits ingestion opportunities. I ate some of that Laughing Cow Cream Cheese and it was sure nice, but I'm still a bit hungry. Must have something to do with it being my TOM.

Also, I took Luna into the groomers today, except it wasn't the groomers I normally use. I took her to the new Bow Wow Wash where you can go to wash your dog, sort of like a car wash. They have all the stuff ready and tubs that are raised to waist level so you don't need to bend over too much to do the washing. I was really impressed with how Luna took it. I expected her to spend the whole time trying to get out like last time, but she stood there and just let me use the soap, water, and conditioner on her. And then she let me dry her and brush her and let her ears be cleaned and nailed be clipped by the owner. It was awesome and for 12.95, that's a lot less money then the groomer and it took only 15 minutes. When I take Luna to the groomers, it usually takes much more time, like at least 4 hours.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

All Cut Out and Nowhere to Go....

Aw, my poor patterns. Right now I procrastinating on finishing Butterick 4980 in black and white polka dots. The fabric is sheer, so I essentially made the dress twice and it fits pretty good. I heard from patternreview.com that it was a little big, so the side seams were each taken in about 2 inches more than is called for in the pattern. It fits perfectly, so great!!! The problem? The upper layer is a gauzy material and I'm dreading the hems. It's all pinned and just needs sewing, but what's a gal to do? So, I've also sewn my wrap style abc dress in honor of my new life as a kindergarden teacher, except for the hemming. Yeah, and I'm on the lookout for letter shaped buttons, white ones. The pattern calls for 8 of them, but I think 5 should suffice.

Okay, so I also cut up 2 patterns tonight, Simplicity 3927 and 4270.

The 30s style pattern is going to be a long sleeved flannel nightgown for those cold Korean nights and the tunic is being made from a chocolate brown challis. I'm considering that some red lace around the collar and end of the sleeves may look nice. Maybe. I'm procrastinating on the sewing because I hate to change the thread and stuff and really should finish the polka dot dress first. Now there is a second reason I'm hesitating on the dress, one of the panels of the princess seaming is noticably lighter then the rest. It's odd since there's no other discolored peices and I don't have enough interest or fabric to cut it out again, so my back right side panel is a little light and I wonder if I like it enought to finish it. In the meantime I'm finishing nothing else.

Okay, so I'm still going to the dentist tomorrow afternoon and Capstone starts tomorrow. I spent a lot of time getting ready for it on Friday since it seems my initial application got lost. Odd since it was ONLINE. Anyway, so its all ready for tomorrow. Oh and I reckon Luna deserves to see the dogpark in the morning, or at least a walk somewhere, so the plan is to do that after dropping Susan off at school, I think I told her I would do that. It all blends together.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Foundation Hunt

Yes, I'm on a foundation hunt. That is, a hunt for the best makeup for my skin color, skin texture, and lifestyle.

What's Out:
most any foundation from L'oreal. I've yet to find one that looks good on me
Maybelline Age Rewind cream, I use this as a concealer, but it looks too mask-like as a foundation.

What in:
Everyday Minerals in Multitasking

What's Left to try/On the fence):
Revlon ColorStay (I bought the wrong color and should probably see if I can exchange it.)
Revlon Colorstay Active (this is the one I'm trying today, my skin actually looked a bit pinker then I like before I left this morning, but I'll check it again when I get home.)
Milani tinted moisturizer. (It seems to be a good color match, but balls up like the rubber on a pencil eraser after you erase something from a peice of paper so I wonder about it)
CG Tinted Moisturizer (Lightest is too light, #2 is too dark, but I like the coverage and consistency).
Maybelline liquid Mineral makeup (I bought this in the wrong color and returned it to Walmart, but it seemed really smooth for the few minutes I wore it.)
CG Trublend (I haven't used it for years, but remember it fondly. It's one of the few foundations I've ever bought 2 of, the other of Max Factor Pan Stick, CG Aquasmooth, and EDM)

Now for my other makeup to bring with me. I'm needing to buy L'oreal Featherlash and Revlon Brow Fantasy in dark blonde. Both are awesome little products that should so come with me to Korea. Seriously.

Also, I've been really thirsty lately, which is great because I know I'm perpetually dehydrated because I don't drink much water because I'm not thirsty, so yay for being thirsty.